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Account is hacked

Account is hacked

My account has been hacked. I asked Spotify to send me a link to reset my password, but every time I get one, it says that the link has already been used. And its mere seconds after I have received the link.

What do I do now?

3 Replies

Hey @Byva! Welcome to the Spotify Community!

That doesn't sound right! It sounds like someone else might be using your account. The steps from this article should help, could you give them a shot? Let me know how you get on.

Thanks and have an awesome day! 🙂

HuboSpotify Star
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Hey Huib,


Thx for your reply. That was actually the article I used. It’s the password reset form in it, that didn’t work, so it unfortunately didn’t help a lot 😉


Enjoy your evening!

Hey @Byva!


Hmm, alright, thanks for trying! Have you created your account with Facebook or on Also, could you try opening the password reset link in an incognito window? Let me know how you get on! 🙂

Have an awesome day!

HuboSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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