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[All Platforms][Subscription] Write “Bestätigung” instead of „Betätigung” in confirmation email

[All Platforms][Subscription] Write “Bestätigung” instead of „Betätigung” in confirmation email

Dear Sir or Madam,


one would be thrilled if one of your underlings could insert the letter ‘s’ after the second letter of the word “Betätigung” in the German version of the email that confirms the subscription renewal, thus turning an “exertion” (Betätigung) into a “confirmation” (Bestätigung).


And while they’re at it, please also encourage your underling to change “über die” into “der”, because grammar.


Apart from spelling and grammar, please have your underling also consider a change in style:


“Bestätigung der Erneuerung des Spotify-Abos”


sounds much smoother than 


“Bestätigung der Spotify Abonemmenterneuerung”


 For the more informatically inclined, search for the string 


Betätigung über die Spotify Abonnementerneuerung”


and replace it with 


“Bestätigung der Erneuerung des Spotify-Abos”


Last but not least, one would be unexpectedly delighted if one had read a personal possible pronoun in aforementioned sentence, much to the likes of 


“Bestätigung der Erneuerung Deines Spotify-Abos”


That being said, the original 


“Betätigung über die Spotify Abonnementerneuerung”


has a certain kind of German government administration language touch to it, reminiscent of all those hours standing in line just for something that in Estonia could have been done online in five



Sorry for my bad English.


Doktor Monad

3 Replies

Hey @DrMonad,


Thanks for bringing your feedback to the Community 🙂


Could you send us a screenshot of the email which contains the message you're referring to? Once we have that, we can pass it on to the right folks.


Thanks! We'll be looking out for your reply 🙂

Screenshot 2019-07-25 at 13.05.59.png

Hey @DrMonad,


Thanks for the screenshot - we've now passed this on to the right team as feedback.


Take care 🙂

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