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Can't add member to family account

Can't add member to family account


i got a family acoount for me, my two siblings and my parents roughly one year ago. A few days ago my farther and my brother got kicked out. They had to verfiy again, that they live in the same house like me. I sent them an invatation, but they couldn't join the account although the details were correct. I checked it a couple of times and sent new invataions, but it didn't help.

Do you have a solution or any advise? Could it have other issues than wrong details? And where could i check, what i have as adress for my spotify account since i can't change it in the profile settings.



1 Reply

Hey @benny_gre, welcome to the Community!


It's possible that you're not entering the right info. The address you need to enter for them to join is the same one you entered when you invited the first member to the plan.


If you're still having trouble after that, we recommend that you contact us via email here or through our official social media channels in Facebook or Twitter.


This way, we'll be able to take a closer look at the accounts to see what we can suggest.


We hope that helps 🙂

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