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Can't invite family members?


Can't invite family members?



I already have a family account and added a family member. I now want to add 2 more, but can't find the invite-link anywhere?


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It's not a bug, you can't change the number of members on the plan after you set it up. So if you set up a 1+1 subscription, you can't change it to 1+2 without cancelling I'm afraid.


See the help page for full details:!/article/spotify-family


What if I want to add another subaccount to my plan?

The number of subaccounts (i.e. the number of people you can invite) that you selected during signup cannot be changed. You may however cancel the account – at which point all members of the plan revert to Free level subscriptions if the current billing month lapses. You would then sign up again, selecting the number of subaccounts you want. You may the re-invite the people you want to keep on the plan.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have the same problem. As a solution cancelling your subscription and waiting for it to revert to free before re-subscribing is a workaround not a solution. I'll try it but Spotify need a proper solution if they want to make Family more appealling.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback. Spotify support also contacted me. It turns out you don't have to wait for your subscription to expire. You can go right back into the portal and re-apply for a premium account and then a family plan. In my case I had one family member and I asked for one more (me and 2 family members). It retained my previous familiy member and gave me a slot for the 2nd one I asked for. I was able to invite for that slot. 

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89 Replies

Hi there,
Welcome at the Spotify Community!

Somewhere in your account (try ) there should be an Family plan control panel, from where you can invite other relatives to join.

Please let me know if you can find that control panel.

Hi Michael,


That's the thing: I can see the page ( and my family members. I can delete them as well. I just cannot add anyone else... 😞

Hmm, I think you need to get in touch with Spotify to figure this out.

However, maybe @Peter__ or @Jordi knows something about this? 

Hi @arondeparon,


It's great you're putting a melody on your family with Spotify. 


If you cannot add a Family member, it's probably a bug. Try using incognito  mode on the explorer. 


If you still don't see it,  contact the Spotify support team and give them the emails so they can send the invitations. 


I hope this helps. 


*Kudos are always appreciated 🙂 

Marked as solution

It's not a bug, you can't change the number of members on the plan after you set it up. So if you set up a 1+1 subscription, you can't change it to 1+2 without cancelling I'm afraid.


See the help page for full details:!/article/spotify-family


What if I want to add another subaccount to my plan?

The number of subaccounts (i.e. the number of people you can invite) that you selected during signup cannot be changed. You may however cancel the account – at which point all members of the plan revert to Free level subscriptions if the current billing month lapses. You would then sign up again, selecting the number of subaccounts you want. You may the re-invite the people you want to keep on the plan.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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This feels quite buggy, to be honest with you.


Apart from this: I just followed these instructions and am now stuck. I have cancelled my family plan and want to complete the setup phase again but now receive a "Contact Spotify Support" page when I try to this.


Can someone look into this? I just want to add some other members to my family account. Shouldn't be this hard, should it? 🙂

You need to wait for your account to drop to Spotify Free after you cancel a Family plan before you can set up another one as far as I am aware.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have the same problem. As a solution cancelling your subscription and waiting for it to revert to free before re-subscribing is a workaround not a solution. I'll try it but Spotify need a proper solution if they want to make Family more appealling.

I also have the exact same issue.


Subscribed to the Family plan, had to mess about a bit while two family members dropped off their premium trials (cus you can't just cancel them immediately to allow same day enrolment in a family plan), and when I went back the option to add them disappeared. Rubbish.


This is a really bad user journey, and a definite bug.


Ironically, Spotify is now making less money out of me than before, as I've cancelled the premium account I was paying for awaiting this fix.



dear spotify employees, are you going to fix this? it cost me more than 30 minutes to figure this out, this is not the way to please your customers...


This is very puzzling. I don't see a reason why this would be this way but maybe I'm not thinking of something. As admins and account holders, we should be able to add and remove users as we see fit. I'm paying the bill so why does it matter to spotify who is using it. It defeats the whole purpose of the family plan. Sometimes we might not know at first who would be on our plan. People might not want to use it anymore in the future or I may want to add another friend. To make users go through a bunch of hoops where some simple buttons in the famly plans section would suffice is not customer friendly at all. 

I'm afraid the reason is that the financial administration can't handle such difficult systems. Would have thought a techcompany like spotify would be able to manage such financial data streams 

That's an insane excuse if that is the reason. It's 2014. I emailed spotify asking about the situation and the only response I got back is their general we don't allow it. No reason why but here's the procedure. I already know the procedure. I just want some clarification why this is so and if this is being looked at as a future change. 

Now that's just ridiculous... 

Just chiming in - this is ridiculous. So I have to cancel my account, wait for it to revert to free, then resubscribe, in order to add another person and give Spotify more of my money. Seriously? When your competition offers VERY similar services/products, it is this kind of thing that makes people jump ship. Ugh.

Same issue here. This is terrible... Spotify, you need to figure this out! I have family members waiting!

Is this not solved yet?

I cant see the family plan on 

and i cant click the MANAGE YOUR SPOTIFY as it is not there.

I am a premium member



To sign up for the family plan, you need to go here:


If you already have the family plan and you are having trouble,

I suggest you contact support so they can help you


If you get an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it.


Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.

MattSudaSpotify Star
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What a mess.. They finally listen to something I amongst many others have been requesting for years and then they make an arse of it. The help guide says to go to manage your spotify family. this option is not there.. Seriously. though this probably will not get resolved for about 2 years. A premium subscriber since it began i'm starting to get a bit annoyed by it.


Although posting here will do no good, people need to blast them on twitter. it's the only way companies respond in a timely manner. They don't like the bad press.

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