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Facebook temporary error


Facebook temporary error

Weird one:


I am trying to connect my Facebook to my spotify account.

I'm going here:


Then clicking on "Manually connect with Facebook" in the sidebar.


However, I get an error message, "Sorry there has been a temporary error, please try again later."


I've tried a couple of times now, but not knowing when 'later' is, I'm starting to wonder how 'temporary' this error is... Any ideas?

73 Replies

Same problem here.


I would be very grateful if you could fix this for me

Have you tried connecting it from the spotify desktop app? Click the top right icon next to your name/username. Click settings and scroll down to Facebook. Press connect to Facebook, log in, and you should be good to go. [Reference]

If that doesn't work, here is a link to troubleshooting further.


If none of this works, reach out to support on your own post so you can get proper attention instead of leeching off of someone elses post where it likely wont be seen!

Mine is having the exact sam eissue! Any way somebody could help me?

Sam, can you fix mine. I am having the same problem.

Experienceing the same issue. I've confirmed that I don't have an account already linked to my facebook. 

Relogging into both Spotify and Facebook does not fix the issue.


Not sure how to proceed.



Can you do the same thing with mine?  I can't get my account to connect to Facebook either.   

I did have a separate account that I had signed up with using FB, but i deleted it so I could have a new account that doesn't rely on FB being active to use. I want to link that same FB account.

Hi, I'm having the same problem. Could you please take a look?



I am unable to link my Spotify with my facebook.


When i try to do it from the app it comes up with a blank screen, and from the website i get the "temporary error".


Can someone please have a look at this for me?



I've been having the same issue trying to connect my spotify account to my Facebook as well. I've signed in using my Facebook account before, so I think that's the issue. I really want to connect my Facebook to my account though because I want to use my real name. Could you please help me with this. Thanks!

Hello I am having the same problem, I would like to connect my Facebook with my Spotify and have tried on both my mobile device and desktop. One the mobile device it says that I have already connected to Facebook and on the desktop version it says "Sorry there has been a temporary error, please try again later." when I try to connect my accounts.

Why not post a way to solve the problem, or just eliminate the problem altogether in the first place? Do people always have to contact someone from Spotify's support team every time they encounter an error? I found here what appears to be the same problem I've been having, with a reply marked as a "solution", and yet there is no solution to be seen!

Hello Sam I am having the same issue I cannot connect to Facebook the exact same error code comes up

It's been months now and the error has still not been corrected. I still can't connect my account to FB.  Spotify team, please make adjustments to my account.  Username: Mightyom

I been having the same issue facebook temporary error try later how can that be fixed my account name is mehow2098




i cant post or like posts i keep getting this Sorry, there's a temporary problem with this post. Please try again in a few moments.

Hello im having thte same exact problem by any chance could you do the same for me. It has began to annoy me alot. :3.


this is happing to mine as well how do i fixed it 

I'm having this same problem.  I just signed up for Spotify on Friday.  I am finding several annoying things.  For example importing playlist does not work, the heavy use of remasters on Spotify vs. Apple Music.  Yes, I can detect a difference in the sound of some of the older Rolling Stones tracks that are not remastered vs. the remasterd ones. This Facebook thing is annoying as well.  

I want so much to move away from Apple Music, but Spotify is not making it easy.  I found an alternative solution for the playlists:  use and export your playlists to a txt file and then link to Spotify.  I had a ton of playlists, but I got it done.


I hope these intial issues are not what I can expect from Spotify moving forward or else I will just cancel before the trial is up and stick with Apple Music until someone else can deliver a better initial user experience.  Also, what is up with the cryptic username?  I understand that is just how it works.  Again, just another one of those things that is an annoyance. 



Can you help me with this? I'm havong the same problem


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