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How to get rid of german songs in Discover weekly

How to get rid of german songs in Discover weekly

I have been happily using the Discover weekly function for some time now but this last month or so it has been cluttered with German songs. I don't necessarily dislike German songs, or any song in another language than English for that matter, but at its worst almost half of my Discover weekly play list was German. I have been disliking all German songs and Artists for some time now but it doesn't seem to work. Spotify keeps recommending German songs. How can I stop this digital blitzkrieg?

27 Replies


I have the same problem, and I am not the type of person to complain. Never do so in fact. That would be my first post on a community forum, I think, ever. Please treat this post more as a tip for Product Owners to potentially bump a potential bug fix up in your backlog. 


I’ve been using Spotify happily for quite some time. Premium user, dual account with my wife. Recommendations have been solid for quite some time so I would typically “like” what I liked and move on. A couple of months ago I started noticing an odd German song or two cropping up in my “Weekly Recommended” playlist. Not a biggie. Fun stuff sometimes. I would listen to it or skip, not “like”, carry on. For some reason however the number of German songs weekly started growing until this week there were already 8 and I had to “block” them all manually. That’s weird I thought, as I don’t speak German and I don’t like most of these songs. Clearly the music suggesting algorithm doesn’t work in my case and downgrades my experience rather than adds value. I get it. Algorithms make mistakes. This issue seems to be indicative of a larger issue at play in the recommendation engine you are currently  running.  


Spotify team, do whatever you please with this information. I had a look around your forums and noticed that this is a common issue, which for a number of years has not been resolved. “Ideas” are submitted and then turned inactive. This tells me that you are not treating this issue as a priority (e.g. number of users affected is small or the cost of the fix is high - or both) or you are not communicating what is going on behind the scenes openly. If a fix is in the works and you treat the problem as such - it would be great to know. If it isn’t - do let us know and we can look for alternative arrangements.


I am not switching to a different provider just yet but will start now to consider alternatives. A well adjusted recommendation algorithm that recognises my preferences is typically what keeps me in these streaming services. If the one you offer doesn’t work (at least for me - which is what I care about) and with no fix in sight - I am certainly not sticking around 🙂


Unless there is a solution at hand, I don’t think there is a reason to respond either. I am not planning to submit an idea or start a new account, etc. I will know the issue is fixed once the service improves. 


All the best and good luck!


First post is from 2018 - it's now 2022 and nothing got changed, I'm being constantly presented some music I don't like. some of the times I press more skip buttons than liking a new song. 

- it would be great if the devs at Spotify were able to add some filter function into their music selection. The whole basis of "AI" music selection is to not just add all in but to offer a best selection which clearly Spotify does not care of.

I guess, some German tracks need to be played to create additional revenue on Spotify's side. 


To Spotify: 

I realised that my Apple Music subscription works pretty much in the way I like, not showing genres or German tracks at all. Maybe have a look how they implemented it. 


Maybe it's time to move on...

Screenshot 2022-07-11 at 10.12.34.png

Hey, is there any update on this?

Clicking on the Idea page you linked gets me to an "Access Denied" page.

There doesn't seem to be a way to change song language preferences, and all the 6 out of the first 10 songs in my discovery weekly were in german.

I personally dislike german songs, never listen to them and always mark "Remove" them from the discover weekly yet they show up.

none of my friends listen to this, I don't follow any of those or have them in my playlist...

Is there any way to pick specific languages for songs?

Even as a default-Disabled feature this can improve spotify by a lot.


I guess they're still not listening to their customers years later. Maybe I'll move over to apple music where this is not an issue apparently 

Hello Spotify moderators, listen to this, I don’t care what anyone says or whatever, I, an artist on Spotify called Rickarino 12, am getting mad, because my Rickarino 12 Radio and I Suck P—— Radio is full of non english songs, anyone who can fix this, change it, now, again I don’t care what you gotta throw at me, change it, I’m sick of these songs hanging on my radio or suggestions for my song, it would be nice if you guys suggested 90s music, or meme songs into my Rickarino 12 Radio, I Suck P—— radio, not this german flunk of diarrhea

Can we not just have an option to disable/hide songs in other languages? Or at the very least not add them in such number every week in weekly discover. If it were just the odd German song, I’d skip it and not give it another thought but at least a quarter of songs every week. It’s getting really old. 

I feel you. I would hate to lose all my playlists, but if that’s what it takes to shake off all the German music, then maybe it has to be done. 

I've been facing this issue for many years too, to the point where I don't use Discover Weekly at all, which is a shame. I just noticed that there is a Languages option under Settings with a specific setting for Music Languages that lets you "choose the language you would like music to be recommended in." It seems to be region specific as here in India I see a list of Indian languages and then one option for "International". I wish it gave me an option for English as I'm not interested in Indian music and don't want German/Polish/Swedish/Italian etc music either!

As an aside, has anyone tried the setting up the profile, starting from scratch and transferring data over option as suggested by Spotify Support? If so, did it help fix the issue?




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