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I can't use my premium subscription


I can't use my premium subscription


I've been a premium subscriber since two years. Since yesterday I can only use Spotify Free, but according to my subscription status I have an active Spotify Premium subscription valid until April 30. I've lost all my playlists and I'm really frustrated. What can I do??



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Hi MSt- All that's happened here is you've made a new account on our system via your Facebook.


I've just removed that new account for you. Please log out and log back in with your "marcusstenbrin" username (not your email). You'll then be directed to your original Premium account. 


I also suggest heading over to this other post for more info on properly linking your account with FB in the future. 

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23 Replies
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Hi MSt- All that's happened here is you've made a new account on our system via your Facebook.


I've just removed that new account for you. Please log out and log back in with your "marcusstenbrin" username (not your email). You'll then be directed to your original Premium account. 


I also suggest heading over to this other post for more info on properly linking your account with FB in the future. 

HEEEEEEELLLLPPPPPPPP,  I have the exact same problem. pleeeeaaaaaaassssseeeee

Hi Dalley- You're experiencing a bit of different issue here. Your last Premium payment wasn't able to go through successfully so your account has been downgraded to free. 


I recommend making sure the card linked to your account still meets these requirements:


1. The country set in your Spotify account profile must match the country where your card is registered. 

2. Your card should be enabled for e-commerce transactions (Verified by Visa/Mastercard securecard card).

3. Your card must be open to be used for foreign purchases.

4. There are some banks that require other security authentifications, the most common one being 3DSecure.


Once you've confirmed those with your bank, try upgrading your account to Premium again via your subscription page

I activated my 30 day premium trial and can only listen to my playlists. Anytime I try to listen to individual albums it says I have to upgrade to premium....

@OhGeePatty wrote:
I activated my 30 day premium trial and can only listen to my playlists. Anytime I try to listen to individual albums it says I have to upgrade to premium....

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂

I would suggest you have a read at and try the steps outlined in this post and see if they help.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi there!


I just got a new bank card and uppdated the credit card information and bought another subscription to spotify premium.


but i cant get it to work in my cell phone?


Is there a activation email sent to my registered email? beacuse that email i have here is old and no longer works.


so what do i do?


it says my premium is active though....

Spotify is working with update issue -- you will get Premium to your phone soon.


Let me know how are you today? Let's talk. I surely do my best so you can get your premium on mobile phone.

@anziktet -Its worth trying the steps outlined in this post and see if they can get you up and running?


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi, I have been a Premium account payer for some time now and all has worked fine.  Today, all of a sudden, I cannot use my spotify on my Iphone. It says I need a premium account !!!  But I already have and pay every month for a Premium account.  What has gone wrong ?  Please help !!!  Many thanks !!!  

@eremitv4 wrote:

Hi, I have been a Premium account payer for some time now and all has worked fine.  Today, all of a sudden, I cannot use my spotify on my Iphone. It says I need a premium account !!!  But I already have and pay every month for a Premium account.  What has gone wrong ?  Please help !!!  Many thanks !!!  

Hey @user-removed ! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Can you just double check your account is still showing as premium on your online overview




Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I reinstalled my Spotify and it is not premium anymoore even if I sign in with my premium account, what can I do?

@Vilve84 - Is your account showing as premium on your online overview with a renewal date in the future?


If it is showing as premium then you should be good to go! Sometimes a quick log out and back in again is needed. If you are still having issues, try a clean reinstallation of the application. 


If your account is still showing as free then you have not logged into the account you have upgraded. Double check your details, its amazingly easy to accidentally have two accounts, one with a Spotify username and another using your Facebook details. If you can't find your account, don't subscribe again as you might be billed twice, instead get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they will be able to lend a hand.


If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, if you prefer support via Twitter, please tweet @SpotifyCares.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I've been a premium subscriber since one year.  Since one week ago I can only use Spotify Free, but according to my subscription status I have an active Spotify Premium subscription valid until June 30. I've lost all my playlists and I'm really frustrated. What can I do??




Now I'm really impressed! The thing really is that I have two Spotify accounts, one Premium and one free. After using auto login with my old spotify I happend to sign in to my free account. However now everything is fine. Thank you guys, you made my day!

@user-removed - If your playlists are gone too, sounds like you are not accessing the correct account. Try logging out and back in again making sure you use the correct details. It's amazingly easy to accidentally have two accounts, one with a Spotify username login and another using Facebook.

@Vilve84 - Glad you got it sorted! 🙂

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Thanks @Peter but  I have tried so many times I'm getting desperate; Spotify doesn't recognize my username;

I can only access through Facebook. @Meredith could you do the same with my account that you did with @MSt account please?

That would totally make my day:)


@user-removed - Since it's the weekend, you will probably get a faster response if you get in touch via Twitter: @SpotifyCares or email using the  online contact form and the support team will be able to lend a hand. 

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I cant activate my premium,please help. I already paid it via globe telecom. Globe send me a link and its just stuck with globe trying to connect to my account.

Have a the same problem

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