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I think my account is hacked


I think my account is hacked



I think my account has been hacked.

It plays tracks without me knowing, out of the blue, and is changing to asian songs in the middle of my playlists.

A device is connected with the name 'WIN-0PE8K6VPKD9' - and i don't know that device.

I am logged in with my Facebook account. I have changed the password, and disconnected all devices in Spotify.


Please help.


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16 Replies

I´ve the same problem.

asian songs - Duney Nguyen Walltec

A device is connected with the same name WIN-OPE8K6VPKD9

 I don´t know what to do...

Hey guys! Thanks for coming to the community!

You can contact someone from Spotify using this form. Someone will take a look backstage and make sure everything's safe and secure! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Keep rocking!

HuboSpotify Star
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This is happening to me too...I think there's a bigger issue here that they need to figure out.

Same exact thing is happening to me. Someone at Spotify, please help.

Hey all!


Could you change your passwords and click the: 'Sign out everywhere'-button here? If it still happens, please give me a shout!

Take care! 🙂

HuboSpotify Star
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Yes, I tried that multiple times, to no avail.

Hey @r3bb!


Thank you for trying! You can contact someone from Spotify using this form. Let them know as many details as possible (no passwords). Let me know if you have any other questions.


Keep rocking!

HuboSpotify Star
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Hey @Jmh0523!


I'm sorry you feel that way. You can drop Spotify a message if you'd like to ask them to take a look at your account. You can fill out the contact form or send them over a tweet at @SpotifyCares. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Take care!

HuboSpotify Star
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i just sent this to the Help line: Like the people in this thread,, i too am showing an unknown device in my spotfiy connect. ive logged out of all devices a few times, ive changed the password on my Facebook, i tried to change the password on spotify, but i never get the email that im supposed to get to be able to do that. please assist.

Me too......same device Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


After I posted my last message in this thread, I received a response from Spotify customer support. They immediately disabled my account and deleted all my payment info, restricting me (or anyone) from not only logging into Spotify on any device, but I also couldn't log in and post here.


They said that they had confirmed that my account had been compromised by an unauthorized user. Here's the text of the email I received from them:




We've located your account and can confirm that an unauthorized party had taken it over. However, please be assured your full payment information has never been displayed and that we've always applied rigorous security practices to protect your information.

Here’s what we’ve done in response:


    During the investigation, we erased your payment details for security purposes. To be able to resume payments, please re-enter your payment details.


    As mentioned in our previous email, we strongly suggest you change the password of the email address, and any Facebook profile, associated with your Spotify account. You can make sure you're the only one currently logged into your Facebook here.

    Note: As long as you change your Facebook password, then you'll be able to log back in with that password for now. If you haven't already done so, we recommend using a brand new password - one that you've not used on Facebook, Spotify, or any other service before. 



Obviously, this is all boilerplate text, soI replied with the following:


"Can you provide an explanation for why/how multiple other users were experiencing the exact same thing? It seems more like a bug than a mass hack of multiple random Spotify users."


Their response to this wasn't relevant at all; they sent me a sheet containing my own payment and customer information, along with a spreadsheet containing all of my spotify activity (ie, what songs I listened to). It had no information relevant to the alleged unathorized user.


In short, I got the "we don't care about you" treatment. At least the problem hasn't occured since they reset my account. I hope this info helps all the other people experiencing this problem.

Apparently i receive the same email from spotify costumer support. They immediately disabled my account and deleted all my payment info, restricting me (or anyone) from not only logging into Spotify on any device, but I also couldn't log in and post here.

They solved the problem.

But i notice my payment info didn´t has deleted !!

because when i start to re-enter my payment details, my account details apeard magically!...didn´t has deleted...!

worked fine for me, but after 2 weeks happened again... please help!

hey, this happened to me recently.


Put your email in here:- this will tell you the sites that have had serious leaks and they are using your details to login to spotify if you have a knack of using the same account details.


To fix it now, change your password and then log out of all devices.


An indian guy realised i was onto him and basically changed his song on my account to one called "your a c£$t!!!!!!". 


Good luck.

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