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Log out from Facebook acount


Log out from Facebook acount

I want to stop using facebook with spotify but I don't know how. How can you log out from your facebook acount "in" spotify without logging out from spotify? Smiley Frustrated


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I'm having the same problem. I want to deactivate my facebook account, but when I log into spotify it just reactivates facebook. How do I disconnect spotify from my facebook account?

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rstotler - In your case, you will need to have an active Facebook account in order to use Spotify.

masoZi - Try looking in your Preferences menu under the "Social Networking" tab, you should find the setting you need there.
Airhorn Enthusiast

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I'm having the same problem. I want to deactivate my facebook account, but when I log into spotify it just reactivates facebook. How do I disconnect spotify from my facebook account?

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rstotler - In your case, you will need to have an active Facebook account in order to use Spotify.

masoZi - Try looking in your Preferences menu under the "Social Networking" tab, you should find the setting you need there.
Airhorn Enthusiast

I didn't understand.... what should I do? I want to log out from facebook on my spotify!?

@EivindCola wrote:

I didn't understand.... what should I do? I want to log out from facebook on my spotify!?

Hey 🙂 


If depends on how you created your account. 


If you created your account using your email address and therefore have a dedicated Spotify username and password then you can disconnect from Facebook by going to Edit > Preferences > Social Network > Disconnect from Facebook in the desktop client. 


If you created your account using you Facebook account and therefore log in using your Facebook email address and password then there is no way to disconnect your account from Facebook. You can select not to share what you are listening to on Facebook from the Preferences menu, however, if you want to completely disconnect then you will need to make a new account. You can do that from the signup page and then get in touch with the customer services team using the online contact form and ask them to move your playlists and subscriptions over to your new account for you. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Thank you big help



I am having a similar issue - i want to disconnect from my fb account, but i have not been able to find the social network setting in Spotify however.... when i click the edit option in my tool bar, i do see Preferences, i click that and it take me to the spotify Activity Sharing page... I am using windows 8, if that makes a difference. Your assistance would be apreciated. thank you. 

@temoi1 - If your account was created via Facebook, there is no way to disconnect it I'm afraid (which is why the option is missing). You can however migrate to a new account. I put together a tutorial here:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have a similar issue, and I did follow your advice going through Edit>Preferences and I hit the "disconnect from facebook" button. It now shows "connect to facebook", and it appears that I have successfully logged out from facebook. However, in my spotify client, my account name still shows my facebook client - not my Spotify client, which I was expecting. Any idea?






Try clearing the cache:


Log out of Spotify and then close the program.
Browse to the cache. The default location should be C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Spotify\Storage and delete everything inside the folder.
Delete the folder C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Local\Spotify\Users\<random numbers-user>\ There is a folder for each profile that has been logged into Spotify on that computer account.

osorniosSpotify Star
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Hi osornios,


I followed your advice, but still my facebook user appears in Spotify....

Thanks anyway:-)



I can't disconnect from Facebook on my Spotify account. My account was created separately from my Facebook. It's an android app so I can't see how to get the options suggested above for desktops



You need to login to Spotify Desktop and unlink facebook from within the app (Preferences > Disconnect from Facebook).

osorniosSpotify Star
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So is there anyway you can sign out of Facebook on a device or would I have to log on to Spotify on a computer to do any of these things?

how to log out facebook on spotify? pls



But as the others here, I have the same problem!!

It seems to me, that you need to uppgrade your technique - so that it´snt that big deal!!

so - to get rid of loggin through Facebook, I need to CREATE a NEW account, and ASK the support team, to move my playlists to a NEW account!!

SORRY - but that is TO "complicated", to be paying (now), 149 for!!

There should be just ONE buttom, saying; "disconnect with facebook"- nothing else!!


But for NOW , I HAVE to take the more complicated way....


Regards Pia/DK


What do you mean?!

Do I have to disconnect facebook, at facebook - or here at Sportify?!

Best regards Pia

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