I would like to be able to have more control over what's available on my Spotify profile.
As a matter of fact, I would like to have complete control over every single piece of info about me I decide to share (or not share) on Spotify.
That means having control over what info are available on my profile and who can see those info. That also means having the ability to edit any kind of info on my profile (like removing an artist from my Recently Played Artists list on my profile, or removing an artist from my Top Artists list on my profile).
I would like individual settings designed to give me the ability to show/hide or remove individual info from my profile. That includes (but it's not necessarily limited to):
1. The ability to show/hide or edit info about my Recently Played Artists
2. The ability to show/hide the list of users/artists that I'm following
3. The ability to show/hide the list of people that are following me
4. The ability to show/hide or edit info about my Top Artists
5. The ability to broadcast/not broadcast info about what I'm listening to to other people's "Friend activity" pane.
6. The general ability to edit, delete and hide content from my profile if at some point in time I decide to do so.
I think the Private Session feature can be interesting in some circumstances, but cannot be the solution when a user simply doesn't want their listening experience to be shared with other people, or when a user want to control each sharing capability granurarly.
I also think there should be a middle ground between publicly available info and not publicly available info.
I should be able to make some content private (not visible to anyone), some content public (visible to everyone), and some content visible only to my friends (users that I'm following and that are following me back), or visible only to a specific set of users.
Spotify's ambition of making music a social experience is pretty clear, and it's also an interesting ambition I think. But the simplistic and incomplete approach to...
1. What's public and what's not
2. The control of the info I share, how I share them, and with whom I share them with
3. Security (no Multi-Factor Authentication is available at this time)
4. Feature consistency (many features/settings are different or not available when switching from device to device, or from app to app)
...leaves a lot of room for improvement.