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Rejected for college discount, still charged credit card, still free account

Rejected for college discount, still charged credit card, still free account

I am an incoming UF student with an ID card and tried to get the student discount. They said that could not verify that I am a student and that might be because I don't officially start until January which I understand. However, they still charged my card even though my account is still a free one. I tried emailing customer service and was sent here.... not sure what to do at this point. Even if I wanted to just pay the regular price I'm not sure what to do, I don't want to be charged another $10 on top of the $5 and -even worse- don't want to keep getting charged $5 a month for a free account (if it comes to that). Thanks in advance for any help!

3 Replies

Hello!  For verification of the account, you can try manual verification for your account here. It may take up to twelve hours, and it may not work since you will technically be starting in January.


Were you charged 5 or 10 dollars? If you were charged 5, it means that your verification actually did go through. If you want to keep Spotify Premium, logging in and out again may change your account to Premium (Sometimes your account changes but on the application, it doesn't register the change so it leaves you with free.) You can see if your account is officially premium here. If you got a premium account at the normal price then shifted to the student account, it would not be accumulative; you would pay 10 monthly before you got the student discount and 5 monthly after the student account.


If you want a refund you can try the contact form to contact somebody on the spotify team, and they usually get back within a day. That may also be a good way to get your account to be synced if you payed, and you want to keep Spotify, but your account is listed as free at the link above.

~Soli Deo Gloria~
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Thanks for the help, I ended up contacting @spotifycares on Twitter and the resolved the situation for me. The charge was only pending and should revert soon. Again thank you for your help as well!

hi! Did you ever solve this? looking for help for this exact problem

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