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Sharing Playlist on Facebook only shows 30 songs?

Sharing Playlist on Facebook only shows 30 songs?

I've created a playlist of 292 songs from my company's catalog of exclusive releases and want to share it with our customers.  When I share my Playlist on Facebook, it only shows 30 Songs.  Is it possible to share a single Playlist in which our customers and online Facebook fans can see all 292 songs?

2 Replies

What it actually appears to be doing is on Facebook, it says "Show 30 Songs" and you can click on a lick to expand to see 30 songs.  But when you click on the Play button, the Playlist opens in the Spotify software and all the songs are there.  This is terrible, because if our Playlist is 292 songs and someone only sees 30 songs in a drop-down they don't like, they will most likely not view the rest of our Playlist.


I suggest that drop-down/expanding list either show all songs (which I understand might be too much to do on large lists), or just eliminate that altogether.  Just make it says how many songs on the Playlist, but not a link or any expanded view.  For example, my Playlist might just says:

Playlist contains: 292 songs


Let me know if there is some fundamental reason why this is capped at "30 Songs" as a quick view on a Facebook post.

I agree. Only showing 30 tracks is very misleading. Please fix/change this.

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