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Subscription Free limited 10 hours

Subscription Free limited 10 hours

Hello everybody


My account has a subscription free. So I receive publicity. But now I can't listen the musics because it says me that my 10 hours are expired. 


First I thinked that with a subscription Free we could listen all time with publicity of course. Is there a limit with this subscription free?

If there is, is it possible to take back a free listening and How can I do it?

If there is not, How can I recover my musics?


Thanks for yor help


(Sorry for my bad English, i'm not an Englishman)

8 Replies

Hi Fazzen,


as far as I can remember, I had the same issue. There is something like a 6-month period where you 

can stream without limit (of course you have to listen to the advertisements), but after that period,

it is limited to 10 hours... 

I don't think there is a way to get rid of that 10 hour limit. (Except upgrading to unlimited or premium)


I hope that was helpful for you,



Hi! Welcome to the community! To answer your question: Yes, there is a limit for free users. You can listen to your favourite music for 6 months after you created your account with ads and no limits. However, after 6 months of use you are limited to 10 hours per month and 2,5 hours per week (2,5+2,5+2,5+2,5 = 4 weeks).


You can get rid of this limit by upgrading to Unlimited or Premium (allows you to listen on the go on a mobile device). If you'd like to upgrade, you can do so here and start your free trial anytime!

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂


As thehidd said above:
Spotify free accounts which have been registered for 6 months or more are subject to extra restrictions:
- Maximum streaming time of 10 hours per month (allocated as a maximum of 2.5 hours per week).
- In the UK and France, a maximum track play count of 5 plays.

You can read more about free account restrictions in your country here.


Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Ok Now I understand.


I've a last question about that.


So I've 10 hours per month.But if I don't listen music during 1 month do I have 20 hours for the second month?



Thank you for your help and thank you very much for your welcome Andy, thehid and Peter


@Fazzen wrote:

Ok Now I understand.


I've a last question about that.


So I've 10 hours per month.But if I don't listen music during 1 month do I have 20 hours for the second month?



Thank you for your help and thank you very much for your welcome Andy, thehid and Peter


No, your time is allocated as a maximum of 2.5 hours per week, and any unused time does not roll over into the next week.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Have a nice day

Ok, now i get why only now i had a restriction. But, may i ask, why would you do this? I would prefer to listen to ads and music instead of not listening to anything. And i believe you would make more money and profit.

@scoobynilo wrote:

Ok, now i get why only now i had a restriction. But, may i ask, why would you do this? I would prefer to listen to ads and music instead of not listening to anything. And i believe you would make more money and profit.

Its enforced by the agreements Spotify have with the record labels who own the content sadly, Spotify would off course love to have unlimited music for everyone! 


They are always working behind the scenes to remove limits, like the 5 track play limit was recently removed for all free users. Hopefully its only a matter of time!



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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