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Why should I continue to pay with new Spotify Announcement?


Why should I continue to pay with new Spotify Announcement?

I just read today in an article on Huff post that Spotify will now offer free of charge listening to playlists on all mobile devices.  If this is the case then why should I continue paying the $9.99 premium fee?  Will users with a free subscription also be able to listen to their playlists offline?  If this is the case I will cancel my premium subscription and quite honestly, I really don't mind listening to the ads in between songs.


I need clarification on this before I cancel my premium subscription.




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Here what spotify repllied back with:


With Spotify Premium, you:
- Are able to listen to your tunes even when you are in some place with no internet connection (Offline mode).

- Can listen to all your favourite songs without the interruption by adverts.

- Can pick individual songs to play, and in the order you wish (not shuffle).

With "Spotify Free in your Mobile", you can do all the things you normally do, like make playlists and search for artists, but with a few limitations:

- Six skips per hour.

- No Offline mode.

- Permanent shuffle mode.

- From time to time you will get a suggested track instead of something from your playlist.

- From time to time you will get adverts through sound and banner.


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7 Replies

Recieved this reponse from Spotify:


"Thank you for getting in touch.

With Spotify Premium you are able to listen to your tunes even when you are in some place with no internet connection (offline mode).

Beside that, as a Spotify Premium user you can listen to all your favourite songs without the interruption by ads, and in the order you wish (not shuffle).


Paulo | Customer Advisor
Spotify Customer Service"


As I said, I can live with the ads in between songs.  I'm just not sold that I should continue paying 9.99 for being able to listen offline only.  Sadly I will have to cancel my  subscription.  There are not enough perks to continue paying 9.99 with this new announcement.

Don't forget, premium users also get increased sound quality, on-demand streaming (free is only shuffle and radio on mobile phones), offline playlists and Spotify connect. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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The way I understood it from newspaper news, is that there will be two options from now on:


- Spotify Premium: as before, ad-free and full features


- Spotify Free: no hours limit, no cost, ad-supported BUT limited to shuffle


"Limited to shuffle" sounds like you won't be able to actually choose what songs to listen to, only the band/author, and then it will randomly shuffle songs from the catalogue. That's VERY different from how it was until now, and that will be the major reason for subscribing to Premium.


It's very odd they don't mention this in the reply you got from Spotify... maybe I just got it all wrong?

They did:


"Beside that, as a Spotify Premium user you can listen to all your favourite songs without the interruption by ads, and in the order you wish (not shuffle)."


Premium is definitely the way to go for the full Spotify experience. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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So can I listen to my playlist,s offline after my free trial ends

@barbw wrote:
So can I listen to my playlist,s offline after my free trial ends

No, that is a premium feature. Once your premium trial ends all offline content will be removed from your device. 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Marked as solution

Here what spotify repllied back with:


With Spotify Premium, you:
- Are able to listen to your tunes even when you are in some place with no internet connection (Offline mode).

- Can listen to all your favourite songs without the interruption by adverts.

- Can pick individual songs to play, and in the order you wish (not shuffle).

With "Spotify Free in your Mobile", you can do all the things you normally do, like make playlists and search for artists, but with a few limitations:

- Six skips per hour.

- No Offline mode.

- Permanent shuffle mode.

- From time to time you will get a suggested track instead of something from your playlist.

- From time to time you will get adverts through sound and banner.


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