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Year in Music 2016


Year in Music 2016

Is the year in music different this year? Last year, it told me my top artists by season, my top albums of the year, first song I listened to all year, and a bunch of stuff.. This year it told me my total minutes, gave me my top 100 playlist and that's pretty much it 😞


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Hey Community,


We understand there are a lot of questions around Wrapped – this year’s take on Year in Music. So we’ve put together the following FAQ to help clear up any confusion!


What is Wrapped?

Wrapped is this year’s answer to Year in Music. It consists of three different things:

  • A hub in Browse > Genre & Moods full of playlists that highlight the best music 2016 had to offer.
  • A personalised ‘Your Top Songs 2016’ playlist. You can find yours in the Wrapped hub. Make sure you follow it!
  • Personal listening stats delivered directly to your inbox.


Why didn’t I get a Wrapped email?

To receive an email, you needed to meet the following criteria:

  • Have opted into News & Offers email notifications.
  • Have enough listening history from January – late October for us to serve up your stats.
  • Have a valid email address registered to your Spotify account.
  • There are some other scenarios that could mean you don’t receive an email. For example, if you’ve ever marked a Spotify email as spam, or we received a bounceback when sending you an email in the past. Unfortunately, this is out of our hands.

Update: We’ve finished rolling out a new batch of Wrapped emails. If you still haven’t gotten yours, it may be due to one of the reasons listed above. You can also check Browse for the "Your Top Songs 2016" personalised playlist.


Why did you change Year in Music?

We’d hoped to reach more people with this year’s campaign and we believe we have. We also really appreciate all the feedback you’ve given us here in the Community. We’re taking it all on board for next year.



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210 Replies

I didn't get my Year in Music statistics from Spotify even though I have all my email notifications on. I get ads but the statistics aren't there. I changed my email about a month ago but surely, that would have given the servers enough time to know where to send my YIM. What can I do?

No stats this year?

Unfortunately, I have not seen an answer to that. I've had the same email since last year and my notifications turned on, yet I too have not recieved anything. I tried checking their Spotify Cares twitter account but all I seen was to check the "spam" folder, which I did and have found absolutely nothing. It's weird because I have gotten all the other stuff from Spotify like the "special thanks" from the bands I listen to and the premium ads but no Year In Music as well. I guess all we can do is wait! 😞

Hey there @victoriad22, welcome to the community!!


Thanks for reaching out! This year Spotify is doing things a bit differently. Spotify is currently sending emails with personalised information and statistics about 2016. Hang tight! Hopefully you’ll get one very soon 🙂


Make sure to check your spam/junk, and any other email folders for an email from  Also be sure you opted in for email notifications on your Accounts page. If you didn't have that option turned on you won't receive the Wrapped email.


Hope this was helpful!



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So if I had that option turned off and turned on now will I receive it now? Will they resend it again? And anywhere I can request the stats?p

Hey again @Blessedmandy,


I don't think the email can be resend if the notifications weren't enabled before however you should turn on the notifications to make sure you don't miss out in the future. Nevertheless, you can still get the personalised playlist with your 2016 top tracks in Browse > Genres & Moods > 2016 Wrapped.


Hope this helped!



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I have mine turned on but have not received it.  Mine have been turned on since 2014 and I've been a memeber since 2012.  Why isn't Spotify doing a "My year in music" like last year? 



Got the same problem,


and those answers from Spotify are insufficient, user-friendliness 100 points -.-

thats like super S H I T.. wow

Honestly this was one of the main reasons I didn't go to Apple music.  I'm really disappointed right now and I've always been so pro-Spotify. 

Which notifications? If this is the only thing you're interested in.

Next year you should do things the same as you had previously. You got a lot of publicity for those impersonal out of home ads you put up, but here is something that genuinely means a lot to a huge swath of your users - one of the few places you can truly out compete your competitors (who at least are willing to compete for exclusivity with artists' new releases) and you fell on your face. Disappointing.


I was wondering the exact same thing..
I was really waiting to see at least the same statistics gathered, just as we got last year. I would've really wanted to see the total numbers of my most played songs and albums and so on.
And it was great to get own page on browser for it so you had the chance to share it with friends and see theirs also! Seems like this e-mail thing also turned out to be quite a fiasko as some people didn't even receive it for different reasons. got me some comfort but still, lacks many things we got 'My year in music 2015' ;/
What I did like was this new 'Top5 genres' feature on it.

I've been a spotify user almost since spotify started and have paid 1000s of SEK during the years. I've been very pleased with the service. But in my opinion, spotify is not developing their service, instead they remoive applications like "Lyrics" and reduce the funny facts in year in music. Year in music is the one thing I look forward to the most on spotify, but I havent even been able to see my Year in music because I havent got the email. 


Best regards,
A sad spotify user

Just so you know, this is pretty much s-h-i-t compared to what "Year in music" used to be.

You should be ashamed.

Also, I received my e-mail in French (probably because I live in France) but all of my account is English, and I don't understand French so the whole e-mail is just uncomprehensible for me. Jesus christ. Even though i translated it It's ugly. And also the stats are boring as **bleep** compared to last year. Nearly there Spotify.

I am in the same boat as you. When I contacted Spotify support today, this is what I was told: ""We're still in the middle of checking about this. We can't say if there will still be emails sent at a later time." I'm not sure where all these people saying the emails are still being sent out are getting their info, because that's not what I was told...

My notifications were already on, I regularly get emails from Spotify, myemail address is correct, I've been a premium user for over a year, but no still email, including in my junk/clutter and even quarantine boxes, so there is no good reason that I didn't get it, other than the **bleep**tiness of Spotify.

My friend got it today, but I have yet to get it...

Haven't received mine either 😞 Was told to check mailboxes such as if I hadn't already.  

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