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account cancellation problem

account cancellation problem

hey there need to cancel my account, but i sign in using facebook, thing is the facebook page i used no longer exists, so can't sign in using facebook????!!!! how can i cancel my subscription without signing in?

1 Reply

Hi there,
Welcome at the Spotify Community!


Have you already tried to login by entering your Facebook e-mail address and password (so without clicking at the blue Facebook button)?

If not, please try that first.


Otherwise, you need to get in touch with Spotify so they manually can disconnect Facebook from your account, and they might be able to cancel your subscription aswell.

You may get in touch with Spotify via their Twitter page (@SpotifyCares), or by following this link to send an e-mail.
If you send an e-mail, please check your inbox (and spam box) to check for their automatic reply. Once you get it, please reply to it immediatly (even if it's from an no-reply e-mail addres) to make sure an Spotify employee will get back to you as soon as possible.

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