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unlimited abonnement

unlimited abonnement

Beste mensen,


Ik heb vandaag 6-11-2014 mijn abonnement Unlimited opgezegd.

Daar heb ik spijt van en wil het terug draaien.

Maar ik zie alleen de mogelijkheid tot Premium en dat wil ik niet.

Kan de stopzegging van Unlimited ongedaan gemaakt worden?

Ik ben een trouwe klant, al toen Spotify nog niet echt bekend was in NL.


Hopenlijk kunnen jullie me helpen,


Karin van Zwieten


account: kaatjekonijn



1 Reply

Hey! Sorry for the English reply! 


Unfortunately Spotify are in the process of phasing out the Unlimited tier, opting to offer a simplified Free and Premium structure only, meaning that it is no longer possible for the majority of customers to sign up for Unlimited. Some people do report going to the upgrade page directly still works but it appears to only work for a small number of people:


Otherwise the only thing I can suggest is you take it up with Spotify support directly as they may be able to pull of some magic for you. There are several ways to get in touch!

If you have Twitter, following and dropping a Tweet to @SpotifyCares (English), @SpotifyAyuda (Spanish) or @SpotifyAjuda (Portuguese) is often the fastest way to get a reply and they can deal with the majority of issues excluding payment/billing issues.

Alternatively, you can email them (in any language) using the online contact form. There is also a special contact form if you can't remember your login details or the email address on your account is incorrect. The contact form support team should be able to handle absolutely any issue you are having!

When getting in touch via the contact forms, if you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the support agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

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