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Downloading music


Downloading music

Been using Spotify for a few months on my LG G5. All of a sudden, I can no longer download songs (manage offline). I'm on wifi, have less than 3,333 songs, and have 10GB of storage available. I even reinstalled the app. Please help!

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Ok, looks like the issue may be with my WiFi network. Everything else works on it (made sure by turning off my mobile data). I just tried downloading on another network, and everything is downloading fine now. I won't ask for suggestions as to what could be going on with my network, since I think that's a little out-of-scope for this posting :-). Thanks for all your help!

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7 Replies

Hey there @jmikhael!


Sorry to hear that you're having some trouble. How many devices do you have set up on your account?

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Thanks for the reply. Only one device. I deleted the others yesterday.

Got it. It almost sounds like your device may not be recognizing the storage space. Have you confirmed that the Spotify APK is on the storage device with more space? Try setting your Spotify to offline only, then turn it back to regular, force - quit, and reopen. 

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Did all that, no change...

Something I should also mention is that the status and number of downloads is constantly changing. For example, sometimes it says 'downloading 0 of 361', then '1 of 237', and so on.
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Ok, looks like the issue may be with my WiFi network. Everything else works on it (made sure by turning off my mobile data). I just tried downloading on another network, and everything is downloading fine now. I won't ask for suggestions as to what could be going on with my network, since I think that's a little out-of-scope for this posting :-). Thanks for all your help!

Glad I could help!

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