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Meine playlist der Woche beinhaltet jede Woche 50% ausgeblendete songs

Meine playlist der Woche beinhaltet jede Woche 50% ausgeblendete songs

Meine playlist der Woche beinhaltet jede Woche Songs, die ich als "bitte nicht spielen" markiert habe. Ich mag diese Songs nicht. Ich möchte sie nicht erneut vorgeschlagen bekommen. Obwohl sie markiert sind, werden sie vorgeschlagen. Warum?
4 Replies

Hi there @musambani 


Thanks for reaching out. Hope you don’t mind us responding in English, as this is the official language of the Community. Where did you "hide" these songs? You have to do this within Discover Weekly itself as this is not synchronized between playlists. If you did hide them within the correct playlist, when did this start happening? Please send us some screenshots of the behaviour too and we'd be happy to take a look.


Keep us posted.

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It's been going on for quite a while now. I already reinstalled the app but nothing changed. 

I marked the songs within the discover weekly as "hide this song". I will share a screenshot from my next fresh discover weekly. 

Hey @musambani ,


Thanks for the reply.


Marking the songs with the button inside the Discover Weekly playlist itself has no effect on the future iterations of the playlist. This button is only for the current version of the playlist.


Hope this clears things a bit,



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Hi Dian,

thanks for your response.

However I do not get your point.

As a user there are songs that I don't like. And sometimes they are quite annoying. And as a user with a low level of frustration tolerance these annoying songs can really mess up my mood. That's why I mark them as "please don't play this song anymore". So spotify has the information that I don't like this song and doesn't play it anymore. Fair enough.

But as a user I would expect spotify to be smart enough to not only stop playing this song but also to stop recommending it to me. What sense does it make to recommend a song to me that I already told spotify to stop annoying me with? And what sense does it make to recommend a playlist where 50% of the songs don't play (because they are marked)?

This week I received 16 songs in my discover weekly that were already marked. Does spotify expect me to like these songs one day if it just keeps recommending them? How should I ever like them as they aren't even played?

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