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Car Thing in the UK

Car Thing in the UK

Ive been reading about the Car Thing which i look forward to and will work perfectly for what i need it to as i dont have bluetooth in the car but do have a AUX


But i was disappointed to learn the trail for this like many of other products from many other companies is USA based only and the UK always has to play 2nd fiddle to these sort of things 

What makes the UK 2nd rate?


Being that the UK has a huge market i thought i would contact Spotify to find out why this trail is USA based only and they advised me to submit an idea here to request that the UK can trail this as well especially as Spotify is based in Sweden which is a European neighbour of ours 

25 Replies

When I was in the US a couple of weeks ago it was discounted everywhere but I didn’t have an address to get it sent to 


don’t think it will be coming to the UK sadly 

Well they apparently stopped production of car things q couple of months ago, so I doubt we'll ever have the chance in the UK 🤷‍♀️

So disappointed to see this is not YET available in Europe.

I only want the car thing so i can skip tracks, if you arent planning on selling to the uk market anytime soon can we have the always on display back for our phones? 

Its alright saying keep attention on the road but the driving displayed stayed on and had big buttons, now its more dangerous because i have to unlock my phone with a passcode to get the tiniest buttons, to skip a rude song on my playlist when i have my mother or occasional friends child in the car. 

UK Listener here - I would definitely buy one of these, but I'd most likely use this on my desk to improve my workflow. I think Spotify missed a tick here when marketing!

The UK has vehicles!?


Seriously though It's probably down to regulatory things. And the regulatory bodies don't understand what does devices.

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