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Ideas Review

May 2020 Ideas Review


Every month the Community Team reviews our Ideas Board and highlights the statuses we’ve updated recently.


Below you can find the statuses changed last month. For more information read: Idea Exchange: How does my feedback reach Spotify?




1. [All Platforms][Playlists] Skipping songs in a playlist that you are not the creator of

It's now possible to hide tracks within any playlist on mobile.

Just head to the context menu (three dots), and tap "Hide song". The song will be marked as "Hidden", meaning it'll no longer play in that playlist. This can be undone at any time too.


2. [Music] Block / Hide / Blacklist Tracks or Artists

The option 'Don't play this artist' is now available on iOS and Android.

If we have any information about this on other platforms in the future, we'll report back!


3. [Browse] Hide song in Premium

We're marking this as implemented, as this feature is now available on mobile.

If we have any info regarding this on desktop in the future, we'll head back here with an update.


4. [All Platforms] Sleep Timer

We can confirm this is available on both iOS & Android!

You can check out this idea, if you'd like to vote for a sleep timer on desktop too.


5. Increase maximum Songs allowed in Your Music

We're excited to be marking this idea as implemented!

We've now removed the limit on saved items in Your Library, making it possible to save songs, and albums on Spotify to your heart's content.

As the app has changed quite a bit since this idea was submitted, please be aware that some functionality is now different. This change does not impact the limit on the number of songs in a playlist other than your Liked Songs.

For more info, check out this blog post.




6. [All Platforms][Your Library] Delete Songs from Account History

7. [All Platforms] "Don't Like Button" should be added to all sections

8. [Podcasts] Push Notification for new Episodes

9. [Social] Real Time "Listen with Friend(s)"



10[Running] Bring back Running



11. [Mobile] Listening History On Mobile




12. [iOS][Other] Spotify Alarm on iOS



We thrive on Ideas


We're actively bringing your comments and feedback to the teams here so they know which features are important to you. If you've got a good idea, you can submit it here.


If you'd also like to see some changes before other users you can sign-up to join our thousands of Beta testers here.





I have an idea. Create a better interface to give support to your developers. There isn't a single place other than this forum that you can ask for help in. "JuSt mAkE aN iSsUe oN tHE rEpo" oh yeah they are all completely, utterly, unmaintained.


Quite convenient how unanswered questions roll offscreen every day. Also convenient that you have no dedicated professionals for support - people only reply if they want to.


Share your music directly on spotify with your friends.


Computer: I WOULD LOVE to share Music with my friends by draging the Songs to/on their Names (in Spotify). So if you are receiving a song you'll get a Popup Message on your Computer/Mobile Phone.


Right now you can only share them by sending a Link over social media..

I think this internal sharing option is really missing!


Mobile: Hit the three Controle Dots and share them over Spotify with them.

Sharing music means sharing love



It would be nice to see more things done about grayed out songs, it doesn't make much sense to say licensing issues or not available in someones country, especially when the music is from their country, and everything else from them is available or their album. Especially when some songs go from available to unavailable and back and forth within weeks, spotify is a great music platform, but it seriously needs attention.


I have banned some artists on my phone that i don't like. And spotify on PC still recommends me them when i'm making playlist. I think this is more of a bug than an idea. Fix this please. 

And i think you should let us same as on phone ban artist on PC.



I really hope Spotify is able to implement podcast notifications for new episodes of pods to which we are subscribed. Seems like a fairly basic feature for an app or site if they want people to make it their go to app or site for podcasts.