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New Home Feed Interface?

New Home Feed Interface?

Sorry but this new "tiktok-like" interface is so ugly. Spotify needs to realise that a familiar design on one app absolutely doesn't work for others. It doesn't "promote discovery" and honestly just makes me feel less inclined to scroll through hundreds of what looks like Stories to find new music. It's an absolute eyesore and an assault on the ears to scroll through.

2,354 Replies

I hate the new interface so much. I don't know if I will keep my Spotify subscription if they keep it this way. I love Spotify but this new social media/feed style homepage is so bad. Makes the app almost unusable. 

I hate the new interface so much. I don't know if I will keep my Spotify subscription if they keep it this way. I love Spotify but this new social media/feed style homepage is so bad. Makes the app almost unusable. 

I hate the new interface so much. I don't know if I will keep my Spotify subscription if they keep it this way. I love Spotify but this new social media/feed style homepage is so bad. Makes the app almost unusable. This post has the most comments and feedback so also comment there so hopefully Spotify takes notice.

Thank you for posting this. The UI is terrible. I liked seeing lots of options on screen  - recently played, playlists, recommends etc. Now I see one thing at a time? The endless scroll works for 15 second pieces of content. But I’m not consuming the the music in 15-seconds. I need a layout where I can assess my options and make a choice. 

Also agree. The new interface sucks. It’s like being forced to rummage through junk at a thrift shop. Not a pleasant experience. 

I have had the same issue.

I’ve contacted Spotify and they finally got back to me with an update saying that “they are unsure if and when the service will resume to old layout”

After stating my concerns that’s my response, so pretty much 0 support. 

I did the update on my wife and was shocked at what I saw. Does all this feed **bleep** have to be in Spotify now???
Completely confusing and you are slain by the videos.
I will not update any other devices until this is gone.
What are you thinking rolling this out without also making it turnable.
We pay your salaries and revenue!
Do you want us to switch to Apple, Deezer & Co?

I'm really annoyed and the whole family uses it via a family plan!

I did the update on my wife and was shocked at what I saw. Does all this feed **bleep** have to be in Spotify now???
Completely confusing and you are slain by the videos.
I will not update any other devices until this is gone.
What are you thinking rolling this out without also making it turnable.
We pay your salaries and revenue!
Do you want us to switch to Apple, Deezer & Co?

I'm really annoyed and the whole family uses it via a family plan!

I did the update on my wife and was shocked at what I saw. Does all this feed **bleep** have to be in Spotify now???
Completely confusing and you are slain by the videos.
I will not update any other devices until this is gone.
What are you thinking rolling this out without also making it turnable.
We pay your salaries and revenue!
Do you want us to switch to Apple, Deezer & Co?

I'm really annoyed and the whole family uses it via a family plan!

I hate the new version and got the same message from Spotify.

I’ve got to the point where I’m seriously considering switching to Apple Music. The new layout is awful. 

Commenting just to say I hate the new changes so much! I also reached out to customer service and they said there was nothing they could do for me and they would pass along my feedback. Not sure why they think anyone would like the new look, it’s pretty much unusable. 

I love Spotify; I use it more than almost any app and I've put hours into building playlists and exploring musical genres that I didn't know existed. Spotify has made this type of exploring infinitely easier and more accessible, and for that I am very grateful. I have also been quite pleased with many recent changes: I have wanted a recently played feature since the beginning, and I am very impressed with the platform's ever-expanding compatibility. However, the new single-stream beta has got me very upset. I cannot think of a reason that makes sense other than to market the first 5 spots of the scroll and turn the app into a more exclusive marketplace for artists with the greatest ability to sponsor their content. I know the urge to be trendy and follow in the steps of TikTok and IG reels is unbearably tempting, but those publicity strategies are just the same market manipulation that I just described.
Why is Spotify a browser with only three available tabs? The home page, search bar, and library tab all have the exact same functionality besides the front page. You could combine these front pages and give the option to open as many tabs as you want, just like any other browser. This way you are not limited to having 3 pages or less in use.
I am so tired of the algorithm gatekeeping. We all deserve not only to know why content is being suggested to us, but also to have the first hand and say in what stays in the algorithm and what goes. Making the platform more flexible for every user will inspire more people to listen to music the way they desire, and adding an interface between the users and the algorithm will create greater representation, rather than increasing exclusivity. Give us our algorithm data back, please.

Agree. The new user interface had changed so drastically to something unusable. I just can’t take how visually unappealing it is to scroll through the app and find the music i am in the mood for. Reaching out to customer care results into nothing and they refer to the communities which are closed for suggestions. All topics related to reverting the change are put in closed ideas. It feels like my complaints are unheard and i am being forced into using an interface that really doesn’t work for me. if this continues on for another month i will discontinue my paid subscription and switch to soundcloud or apple music. Spotify should allow for more direct feedback when they force users into a A/B test or whatever interface test they are doing.




United States


iPhone SE

Operating System

iOS 10


My Question or Issue

A couple weeks ago, I got a Spotify that rendered the home screen on mobile obsolete in that it only shows recommendations in 1 (one) giant album cover that takes up the entire screen (why). In the two weeks that I've had the update, I have never once used it, and it is incredibly unfriendly for users. It took something great and made it pointless. Why did you make it harder to discover new music? It's really upsetting to me, and I hope they revert this change.

Hi @seanmccarthy0305


The home screen design is an ongoing experiment by Spotify. There is currently no way to opt-out or return back to the previous layout.

Check out this thread to provide feedback.


In March, Spotify replaced the heart icon with a plus in the Now Playing view in the Spotify mobile app. This change will come to other devices at a later time.

Check out this blog post to learn more.





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Feel free to follow my Spotify or Community profiles! 

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Spotify.


The new homescreen change is so completely UN-user friendly, I'm seriously considering cancelling my Premium account. I have to scroll for ages to find anything that even relates to what I normally do or want to listen to. Having no way to revert to the previous UI is a grave mistake on Spotify's part.

Yup, app is garbage now.  Weird that they can leave desktop app alone (and functional) but turn the app into a steaming pile of poo.


FYI you CAN access the browser version of Spotify from your phone's browser.  It's not as clean as the app used to be, but is 10000x better than the current app.  I still have a few weeks left on my monthly subscription (I just canceled) and plan to use that instead of the app while I migrate to a new service. 

My Spotify app recently update and I have a new Home Screen. Yay for me. It now has these “cards” with recommendations. Cool. Unfortunately they auto play and are not muted by default so as soon as I start my app it starts playing audio. I HATE that. I can’t even find a setting to turn that off. I just want them muted by default is that so much to ask? Even Netflix has a setting to turn their godawful previews off. Please help.

The new mobile home page is bad.  I use spotify for audio.  Now the home page is six boxes of things I like and then an endless scroll of HUGE video boxes.  I don't want video.  I want to get to the content quickly.  Small static icons are so much more convenient for finding content.  This isn't tik tok.

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