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Friend activity feed broken

Friend activity feed broken

I see some other people have posted about this; turned on Spotify this morning and my Friend Feed only showed the one friend I have currently listening to music (all my other friends and their past listening, even within a few hours, had disappeared.) I logged out/logged in, uninstalled/reinstalled with cleared cache.. two more of my friends currently listening have appeared, but that's it. I asked one of my friends to play a song and they said they did (not on Private Listening) -- it didn't show up even though they were listening. 


OS X El Capitan -- have never had any problems like this before

3 Replies

Hello @spotify116

Some users are having issue with the Friend Activity sidebar right now but it should be fixed soon.

Thank you for your patience and have a great day.

I'm also having the same issue - started this morning.  When is the ETA for this to be fixed?

Same issue here, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled. No change. I specifically created a new Spotify account (and lost years of listening data) to be free of FB. 

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