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Queue only showing 50 songs


Queue only showing 50 songs


Plan: Premium

Country: USA


Device: Macbook Pro 2018

Operating System: macOS 10.15.7, Catalina

Spotify Desktop version:


After the desktop app updated, the queue now only shows 50 tracks (playing + 49), even though more tracks are in my queue. Before the update, there was no limit (at least that I had encountered) to the number of visible tracks in the queue. Is this a setting that can be changed? If not, is there a way to downgrade the app back to the version that allows more visible tracks in the queue?



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I'm ok with not getting the latest features as the ability to use the queue is more important to me. I often queue far more than 50 tracks and then will adjust the queue. Limiting my view to 50 means I'm unable to adjust tracks 51+.


And I see you removed my post to reddit showing how users can downgrade to the working  UI version. 

For everyone who has this same issue, search the internet for "reddit spotify reverting classic UI" which will take you to the true solution.

View solution in original post

15 Replies

Hey there @gilzo,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community about this. 


Currently the queue shows 50 of the songs that are added but it'll continue playing all of them. We've forwarded the feedback that our users would like to see all the tracks and we appreciate you taking the time to comment about this.


We have an existing idea about this here - we'll keep you updated on this in there. You can subscribe to the thread via the 3 dot menu next to the name of the idea.


We can't recommend using an older version of the app as that won't guarantee that you get the latest features and fixes.


Hope this info helps. We'll be here if you have any other questions.


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I'm ok with not getting the latest features as the ability to use the queue is more important to me. I often queue far more than 50 tracks and then will adjust the queue. Limiting my view to 50 means I'm unable to adjust tracks 51+.


And I see you removed my post to reddit showing how users can downgrade to the working  UI version. 

For everyone who has this same issue, search the internet for "reddit spotify reverting classic UI" which will take you to the true solution.

As the queue only shows 50 songs this should not be marked as fixed. 

@sprint45_45 wrote:

As the queue only shows 50 songs this should not be marked as fixed. 

they were deleting my other posts so I marked my own as the solution to prevent them from just removing them so others could at least see a possible fix.

Hi there @sprint45_45,


Thank you for your reply in this thread.


We're always testing things by adding or removing features to make Spotify better overall and we’re constantly aiming to improve our features. We’re sorry that this means you’re not able to use Spotify like you wish to do at the moment.


You can read more about how your feedback reaches Spotify here.


Once again - thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. Let us know if we can help you with anything else. 


Take care!

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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

I appreciate that a downgrade solution exists right now! Thank you for bringing my attention to this. Since feature parity clearly isn't here and some things that are valuable to my spotify experience aren't supported in the new UI (such as this one) it seems like the best way forward would be to try this!


And now after the last update they removed the ability to downgrade back to the classic interface! 




I'm at a house party and it is going to be very bad and suck-y because Spotify shows only 50 songs and there is no "play next" function like on Google Play, so either I need to delete many songs from the queue to add mine next,  and then the queue will only have exactly 50 songs , or it is impossible to add my song next - seems like Spotify was designed by amatures who do not like supporting parties or music lovers

Only true fix right now is to uninstall spotify, download a previous version, install, do the downgrade ui trick, and then block spotify from auto-updating itself. Let me know if you need a link on how to do this.

It is RIDICULOUS how much work their customers have to do just to get the app back to a usable state.

"Currently the queue shows 50 of the songs that are added but it'll continue playing all of them."


This is absolutely not true. It will continue playing songs past #50, yes, but usually they are songs that are not even on my current play list mixed in with songs that are. This happens all the time!

If I wanted those other songs on my play list, I would have added them myself. This defeats the purpose of even making your own play lists. 

It just loops those same 50 on mine.  when we could see more, I could just jump way ahead in the queue and get out of the loop.  There are many songs in my playlist that I never hear but will hear the same ones multiple times in one day.  What are the odds of that with over 1900 songs?

Hey @JBiteman,


Thanks for your reply in this thread.

Did you notice this inconvenience on one of your playlists? Can you share with us more details about your device operating system? This could help us gather more information about what you mention.

Also, could you let us know if this happens on a different device?


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Until then!

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This happens to me as well, the queue does not continue to populate more songs when I want to play my playlist on random.  So it repeats the same ~50 songs or so in the initial queue.  I have no idea how many exactly, but it seems like ~50.  Does it on all my devices.  The playlist I typically try to play random is 153 hours currently, so I shouldn't hear the same songs very often at all.

Hey @ericwadsworth,


Thanks for your reply in this thread 🙂

We really appreciate your feedback, we know you want to make the best out of your listening experience.  


According to what you mentioned, we'd like you to know other users had a similar idea and posted it here. We’d suggest adding your vote and subscribing to the idea to get notified as soon as we have any updates to share.

We'll be here if anything else comes up. Once again, thanks for the feedback.

Take care!

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hi! i would like to say that it does not play all my songs that my bf and i had created. instead, when all 50 songs are played, it takes me straight to my liked songs. is there any way we can add more songs instead of 50?

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