now on looking around this board, i find this is just one facet of a totally botched major update, so i don't expect this very specific concern to get any traction.
so at least i'm not losing my mind, but this new version is still a hideous drag.
is anyone privy to the rationale for removing this specific feature?
it seems hostile to simply eliminate a functioning method of importing and managing songs.
to make things worse, it seems spotify will no longer play songs not contained in enabled sources, even if the local files are still available at the same path and were previously added to a playlist while the source was enabled.
this may be very ugly but acceptable, if the local source scanning was at all reliable or efficient. for example, i have 15ks in itunes here, but only 1780 show up in spotify when i enable the itunes source. when i toggle the source and reopen spotify, sometimes the same 1780, sometimes 2600 show up. once! it showed me 13ks.
combined with the not-playing-if-not-listed behavior, this makes any playlists based on local files utterly unusable.
adding a large external drive with an old music library on it has pinned the spotify helper process at 130% cpu usage for the last half hour or so, and it's only at 9000 scanned. in the meantime, all local and shared playlists show up totally empty:
at just under 11ks scanned, the interface became totally unusable, with delays in excess of 30 seconds when clicking any ui element. playing track info or progress has not been updated for some minutes.
when adding some subdirectories one at a time to attempt to avoid this unacceptable slowdown, the files are scanned correctly, and in linear time, but then toggling sources (except for the not quite functioning built-ins) also removes them irretrievably from the list of sources.
at the same time, seems like tracks will still double up if they are in the lucky itunes imports AND a currently enabled local source (at the same filesystem path)
and now if local files cannot be searched or filtered, how will we know the latest additions even if the library scanning behaves normally?