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⚡ Adding to "Now Playing" ⚡

⚡ Adding to "Now Playing" ⚡

Plan: Premium

Country: UK

Device: Surface / Android

Operating System: (Windows 10)


Please can anyone answer me this?

When I choose a play list and right click, Add to Queue, the list content is added immediately to the Next in Queue section rather than to the END of the Next Up section of the "Play Queue" screen. This means that if I am playing an album, the newly added content is place bang in the middle of my playing content - played after the current song.


How I can prevent the contents of a playlist when being added to the Play Queue, whereby it is interrupting my currently playing playlist? See Image


Surely adding new content to the play queue should be added onto the end of the play queue and not be the next songs to play immediately?

Better still, give the user the choice, "Play Next" or "Add to Queue" when right clicking content to play.


Play Queue OrderPlay Queue Order



1 Reply

I think the trick here is that you would need to add the album itself to the queue. I'm also trying to figure out how this works. It seems like the queue has two sections "Next in queue" and "Next up". The first being tracks you added explicitly either one at a time or by adding a playlist or an album. The "Next Up" section looks to be what Spotify think you want to play next after listening to the tracks you queued or tapped on to play. The next tracks in an album would go here. In fact, Ive seen that sometimes read "Next up from [album] or [playlist]. I think of "Next Up as the app making its best guess or to play the rest of list or album even if you didn't actually queue it.

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