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I have spotify premium. How do I tell spotify I don't like a song?

I have spotify premium. How do I tell spotify I don't like a song?

I'm in a Daily Mix. I don't like a song, but when I click on the three dots next to the song, the only options I have are: Add to playlist; Save to your Liked Songs; Add to queue; Go to song radio; Go to Artist; Go to album; Show credits; and Share. How do I let spotify know I don't like ti?
Top Answer

Hey @keithdg,


While there isn't currently a way to dislike a song, you can hide it in the mobile app so that it doesn't play in that particular playlist/album on your device. Just go to the song's location and tap the three dots menu > Hide song.


Here are other ways you can improve the recommendations you get from Spotify:


1.) Exclude playlist from taste profile

You can exclude playlists from your taste profile so that when you play them, the app won't take them into account for future suggestions:

  1. Open the playlist and tap the three dots menu (right-click if you're on desktop).
  2. Select Exclude from taste profile.

2.) Not interested

On the mobile app, you can curate the content in the Music feed of your Home screen. In case you find a suggestion that doesn't interest you, you can mark is as Not interested. More info here.


3.) Don't play this artist

On the mobile app, you can open the artist's profile and select Don't play this artist. This will prevent Spotify from playing their music.



31 Replies

Hey @keithdg,


While there isn't currently a way to dislike a song, you can hide it in the mobile app so that it doesn't play in that particular playlist/album on your device. Just go to the song's location and tap the three dots menu > Hide song.


Here are other ways you can improve the recommendations you get from Spotify:


1.) Exclude playlist from taste profile

You can exclude playlists from your taste profile so that when you play them, the app won't take them into account for future suggestions:

  1. Open the playlist and tap the three dots menu (right-click if you're on desktop).
  2. Select Exclude from taste profile.

2.) Not interested

On the mobile app, you can curate the content in the Music feed of your Home screen. In case you find a suggestion that doesn't interest you, you can mark is as Not interested. More info here.


3.) Don't play this artist

On the mobile app, you can open the artist's profile and select Don't play this artist. This will prevent Spotify from playing their music.



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Thank you!  I should be able to work with this.


It's February 2024, and these options no longer exist - or they don't exist on Desktop. I can't tell which, the interface options change so often. 

The curated playlists like "Good Morning Playlist" has all kinds of music I don't care for, but there doesn't seem to be any option to refine my tastes here. The three dots menu next to the tracks I don't like don't give me any options to hide an artist or exclude them from my taste profile. 


I hope you bring back the thumbs down, or some other way to tell this app what music I don't want to hear. 

This is madness. Spotify shoves this one song down my throat almost every day and I f------ hate it. I hate it. It drives me f------ nuts. If I'm, say, cooking and letting Spotify run, it will play this song, and I hate this song so much that I feel like I must act on this visceral urge to drop everything I'm doing, run to my desktop device, and skip it. 


I honestly didn't think it was possible for me to react so strongly to a song, but Spotify forces it on me so much that I've developed new feelings of hatred for a piece of music. Hand on heart, I would rather you strap headphones to my head so I can't take them off, turn the volume up to the max, and play "Surfin' Bird" in one ear and "The Chipmunk Song" in the other ear at the same time over listening to this song.


Thank god I found this thread, so I could block this artist on the mobile app, but given that the feature exists there, it a) can't be insurmountably hard to implement on desktop, and b) Spotify can't be ideologically opposed to giving their users the power to do this.


Please, for the love of god, implement this feature on desktop.

This is twaddle. The option to "Hide Song" is there, but like a lot of Spotify functionality it just doesn't work (Spotify will still play that song)

Hey there @cubular


Thanks for getting in touch about this and welcome to the Community!


If you click on the option "Hide this song" it shouldn't be played on the playlist where the song was hidden, but it'll be visible/playable in other playlist/sections of the app. Since it's currently not possible to block a specific song, you can block the song's artist instead. You just need to go to the artist page > tap on the 3 dots > Don't play this. 


Hope this clears things up. If you need a hand with anything else, the Community is here for you. 

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“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”– Maria von Trapp

Such bllsht.  Songs and artists often upset people.  There should be a SIMPLE way to block that crp.

Hello Eni, it doesn't work! The app will not play the song the session you did it but in the future (while the song will appear hidden) it won't get skipped! 🙂

August 15, 2024, that "solution" doesn't work, and worse, I'm afraid that having clicked on the artist I despise, Spotify will interpret that as "play more of this artist." I thought it was supposed to learn from our behavior anyway. How many times do I have to skip a song before Spotify understands that I hate that artist? I listen all day at work, ON MY DESKTOP COMPUTER. It's 2024 and the era of AI. Surely Spotify can figure this out. When I pay for a service, I expect certain things from it, like a dislike button, or a DON'T EVER PLAY THIS ARTIST button.

This isn't a sufficient solution. There are artists I love to listen to but I hate one or two of their songs I hate and I need to be able to block them. What are we all paying for here? I'm about to google whether I can do this with Apple music.


UPDATE: Yes, you can do this with Apple Music.

Thanks for letting us know. I am completely dismayed that you can't block a particular song on Spotify. I am heading to check out the Apple music pricing now.

I'm so angry about this still being an issue. As others have said, having the spotify algorithm decide to play you the same song over and over and over is blind-rage inducing. Not only can you not block any song or artist from playing, but there is functionally no way to give feedback/curate your algorithm. Like gd this was basic functionality in Pandora a decade ago. We know spotify knows what genres are. Let me tell you exactly what to play less of. Honestly might drop spotify after years for another music service that actually lets you choose what music you want to listen to. Such incompetence.

Trying to block songs as a workaround to Google constantly playing the wrong version of songs that I request using voice recognition. Another dead end. This is disappointing that specific songs can't be disliked. 

Why is it generally that the more technology advances the less user friendly and more useless it becomes? 

Google "enshittification." That's exactly what's happening here. They're never going to work on this or on the fact that every song it recommends is 67 seconds long now. They don't care, and why should they? Hardly anyone's gonna actively leave because of this problem.


And anyway, supposing some do, it doesn't matter. I calculated it—for each person who leaves, Spotify loses one cent for each $2.46 million they make a year. That's like buying a house in the US and paying $0.02 extra. Multiply one user by 100k—a hundred thousand users leaving. That'd be like you losing a buck if you had $2460 in your wallet. Would you even notice?


Compare that to the cost of fixing the problem plus the fact that they know you have nowhere comparable to go. They're never fixing it unless a large competitor with a WAY better product (to overcome the effort it takes to switch products) threatens to poach a large part of their user base, and that just doesn't exist now and probably won't unless things really change.

I’m - 1.png

I’m - 2.png

I’m - 3.png

- -

Three dots and selecting “Hide Song” or clicking onto the song itself and selecting the “-“ button removes any song from the playlist and the song doesn’t come back. 

This is on an iPhone, on the app.

Thanks, but that only works for a song in a playlist. Most people in this thread, including me, want to stop certain songs from EVER playing, not just hiding them within a playlist.

hello, this option 'hide song' is bugged, it doesn't work! If you hide a song, in a future app session  the song appears as hidden but it is NOT, and it will be played.


Please, it's pretty basic to try these things out and see for yourselves that it's problematic.

My bad, goog,


Didn’t see all the posts in the thread. 

Best of luck

I don't want to block the artist, just certain songs 


When I hide it on a playlist, it keeps coming back in one way or another


The app has the feature to hide the song from the playlist, and hide the song in general. However, neither of these functions seem to do much

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