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Annual Spotify Family payment

Annual Spotify Family payment

Hi, I would to ask if it is possible to make the spotify Family subscription with annual payment.

Salve, vorrei chiedere se è possibile effettuare il pagamento dell'abbonamento spotify Family con pagamento annuale.

Se possibile rispondete in italiano.

8 Replies

Hi @zeluRulez! If you wish to transfer to yearly payments, my understanding is that you will need to allow the plan your are currently on to completely expire (cancel premium, and let the premium period run out). After that time you will be able to re-enroll and choose a yearly subscription over a monthly one. Please let me know if you run into any trouble doing this, or if you have any other questions. Cheers!


Primo, Google Translate, quindi mi scuso se qualcuno di questo non è chiaro. Se si desidera trasferire i pagamenti annuali, la mia comprensione è che sarà necessario per consentire al piano di vostro sono attualmente a scadenza completamente (annullare premium, e lasciare che il periodo di premio esaurito). Dopo che il tempo si sarà in grado di ri-iscriversi e scegliere un abbonamento annuale su uno mensile. Per favore fatemi sapere se si esegue in problemi a fare questo, o se avete altre domande. Saluti!

The answer was "can I make an annual Spotify family instead of an monthly subscription?"

HI @ivobTV! Yes, as I mentioned you can choose to pay yearly as opposed to monthly on a family plan. This choice, however, has to be made when the subscription is initially made, so if you'd like to change whatever you currently have, you must first expire and re-subscribe. But yes, it is possible. 

Submitting an annual payment for Premium for Family is NOT possible. However, Spotify does offer an annual payment option for a single user Premium account.

Pretty lame customer service on this not allowing a single payment.  Too bad, my family really wanted this.


It's a Republican world now, all about big business, forget the customer.

I agree. Really disappointing they continue to not support annual for the
family plan. It's all about monthly residual income, not the customer. I am
looking forward to seeing Amazon Music improve because they do offer an
annual payment and they are big enough to take on Spotify. I came to
Spotify from Rhapsody because they lost some label agreements. Rhapsody,
the mess they are, even supported an expanded plan with annual payment

Hi @sbterres and @parkermc1! While I can understand your frustration at a lack of an annual option, I can assure you that there is likely no malicious intent from Spotify. An annual subscription for the family plan would likely run close to $180 which is a large initial cost, and given that family plans frequently change (members leave, new members are added, the plans are canceled), it could cause a lot of serious issues down the line. 


While this is only speculation on my part, I would assume that they are attempting to favor flexibility so that if something does come up, a family isn't out $180. Again, I can sympathize, but for the time being all I can recommend that you add your voice to this idea.


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns that I might able to assist you with. Cheers!

I think the benefit is when you use a family plan with roommates and dorm-mates. When you divide a family plan between 5 people it's only $36. When you're dealing with friends and multiple payments its always easier to get a lump sum if possible.  By removing the family annual payment plan you lessen the number of people who will subscribe together. Noone wants to be bound to their friend for a $3 bill. 


It is a wise move to keep people on their own plan, but I bet I could get more people signed up if I told them they would get a year subscription for $36. 


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