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[AutoPlay] Option to toggle Autoplay on/off across all devices/platforms

The Autoplay setting isn't working for connected devices and the web player. We need the Autoplay setting to work the same as it does on desktop and when playing on the phone.

Updated on 2023-02-07


Hey folks,


The "Autoplay" setting was recently updated. The single "Autoplay" setting in the desktop and mobile apps will now enable or disable Autoplay across all devices on your account. This change makes it easier to manage instead of there being 2 different settings.


You only need to change the Autoplay setting in one of the apps, either desktop or mobile, and it will apply to your account on all devices including the Web Player and Spotify Connect devices.


You can read the support article for more information about the Autoplay feature.


I contacted support about this problem over a week ago.  They confirmed that what I was experiencing was the way it works now.  I asked how long it was going to take to fix this problem.  I was told a rough estimate is about a month.  I said I could live with that.  I mentioned that they should communicate that  information to this forum.  I expected to see an official message that they are working on fixing this obviously unpopular change.  The only message I saw is the current one dated 11-14-2021 about "now reaching the internal teams at Spotify".


So to the internal Spotify teams: please give us a status update on your plans so we can decide whether to wait or switch services.


Please allow us to take control back of what we're playing. I don't want to be pushed into a funnel by suggestions from your side because it only gets more and more and more similar


This feature sucks. I hate it. Why do you do this kind of **bleep**? Instead of fixing basic stuff like showing new podcast episodes on desktop. I wish there was another service I could move to.


Because this change was so infuriating - after much reluctance I turned off Spotify and found Apple Music is in a way better state that I expected. (I haven't paid attention for many years since using iTunes 10 years ago, and I don't like the Apple ecosystem at all)

Its not as nice as Spotify for Windows and Connected Devices, and I cant scrobble to Last FM easily - but I haven't found any artists missing yet and I can play albums and not be bombarded with podcast suggestions.

Spotify is going to have to change to get me back


If you do not enable users to turn off autoplay on all devices, including connected ones, I’m cancelling my premium subscription. I do not intend to let AI dictate what I listen to. I want albums and playlists to stop at the end. This is an absolute dealbreaker. 


Please fix this. It’s ruining my listening experience.


Every song Spotify chooses to follow on from the albums I listen to is incompatible with the SILENCE I want to hear at the end of a satisfying album. Please fix or I'll simply have to go somewhere else. It is that irritating.


Yes please! This is an awful reversion and is really terrible user experience every time I get to the end of an album/playlist.


Not only is it annoying, but mine reverts to the same song no matter what type of music I was listening to. Getting really tired of hearing "She Sells Sanctuary" 

Status changed to: Live Idea

Updated on 2021-11-25

Hey everyone,


First of all, thanks for posting this idea and for all the feedback regarding the recent changes to the Autoplay feature. Rest assured that your voices are heard and we rely on them to make the Spotify experience better.


With that in mind, we’re happy to announce that the team is now actively working on the ability to manage Autoplay settings globally for connected devices and the Web Player. The aim is to release this feature in the coming weeks for the Desktop app initially, with Mobile to follow.


So when using the Desktop App you will be able to set Autoplay on or off for any connected devices or the Web Player. This toggle will persist when using a connected device via mobile too.


As soon as we have any new updates to share, we’ll be sure to let you know.


Take care!