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[Discover] Exclude selected Playlists from Taste Profile and Discover Suggestions

I play music off Spotify for my bubba to fall asleep to. This is typically classical/meditative relaxing style tracks. Since she sleeps 4 times a day this type of music is getting a LOT of playtime but is not representative of my music taste. I'm finding my Discover Weekly (which I LOVE by the way) is moving more away from my music and more towards the classical/chill out stuff I play for the little one. 


Would be super cool to be able to mark a playlist to exclude it from the Discover algorithm.



Updated on 2023-02-09

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voting to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that Exclude from Taste Profile feature is now available on all platforms. There's more info about the topic in our Newsroom Article. 

If you'd like to give it a try right now, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the playlist of your choice. 
  2. Tap the three dots near the top of the playlist.
  3. Select “Exclude from your Taste Profile.”


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community 🙂 


It used to feel like i was being suggested music by a good friend who knows me well but now it feels like someone with a very narrow pallet and cursory, surface level knowledge of music was put in charge of my suggestions.

This is entirely because of the removal of the thumbs up and thumbs down button.

They wanted us to have less control over what we listen to so that they could have more control. This is a trend that will continue until spotify is the joe rogan and taylor swift app. They designed this website to stop people from complaining on twitter/social media. So we should all probably go do that now if we want anything to change.


Very cool Idea. Would love it


@Diboua: I decided to move away from Spotify because of this.  I tried Tidal and Deezer, and they're exactly the same.  Haven't tried Apple Music yet.


I have been having this problem for months - MONTHS. At first I tried listening to ambient in private mode, then offline mode, and now I've resorted to never using Spotify for my ambient vibes. I even removed Bose Soundtouch presets to my favorite playlists in a 'hail mary' attempt to not have my Monday morning's filled with Whale Sounds and meditation zen titles. I still try every week, hoping that the Whale Sounds have gone, but every week I am still disappointed in Spotify's Discover Weekly.


It would be great to be able to have an option to mark a playlist as a “private listening playlist” or “exclude from my taste profile” 


I don’t want my Release radar filled with SPA music, but I still want to play soothing music for my daughter to help her fall asleep.  


"Not right now" has been the status for this like.. for over five years now. When will it be now, then?

Let me tell you my sorry story:

Because of one (1) single ambient playlist (Nature Sounds by Spotify itself) I have on when I sleep, my Discover Weekly is now only recommending new age and ambient sounds. Also Release Radar is getting more and more invaded by croaking frogs, ululating flutes and whatnot. Using private mode does not help as the toggle seems to timeout after a few hours. 
For weeks I have been trying to correct this by removing unwanted tracks from DW and RR and listening to "real music" more than I would even normally do. But nothing helps. My Discover Weekly is completely - all tracks - just nature sounds and new age ambient, and depending on the week almost half of Release Radar is new age nonsense. 
For situtations like this excluding playlists or/and genres from AI recommendations is absolutely essential because rainfall and ululating pipes is treated as music, when in fact as similar clear distinction is needed as with there now exists between music podcasts or audiobooks. 
To be able to go completely without a pre-emptive exclusion toggle, like Spotify is doing in now, is to create an AI algorithm that knows WHY people play something. But no AI algorith is so sophisticated (and clearvoyant). The AI does not know the difference of listening for pleasure or playing something as a tool. It can try to deduce some things by looking at the time of day or location, but it will fail every single time when something goes against its tentative (at best) grasp of the norm. For instance playing nature sounds continously for over 8 hours during the day = really loving nature sounds? I am guessing not, but the Spotify AI probably is not capable of making that guess. 

I am actually quite angry about this because suddenly it got a lot harder to find interesting new music and new artists again, when my most used personalized recommendation lists have been rendered useless. Also because of all this I already know the generated year end stuff I kind of wait for very year is going to be totally tainted. Especially I fear my Spotify Top Songs 2022 list is going to be just full of bird noises and new age soundscapes. Somehow that really upsets me. 


You know what we should all do?


Screenshot this post and every comment and bombard all of Spotify's Twitter accounts with the photos until they fix this problem!!


Spotify Do Not Influence Recommendations.png

Something like this is what I was thinking.
Brain icon or whatever at the top level of the app and then I can turn it off for an entire session (defined as "until i close the app or logout"). It would automatically be togged with influence ON (as it exists today) and we can select it to tell it to stop gathering influence recommendations for the sessions whenever we know we will be listening to something we don't want included in recommendations to us, like "Sleep Music" or "Gentle Owl; Soothing Stream" by Sebastian Meditaté" or whatever the kids are playing in the car. Just let us do it quickly. IMO, it's top level-worthy.


Please, add this feature.

I loved Discover Weekly but I started to listen to some focus playlist during work and it just completely destroyed the whole Discover Weekly feature. Now, I have there just some ambient piano stuff and that is not what I want to have there.