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[FireTV] Podcasts Video on Amazon Firestick and FireTV devices

To solve issue on JRE video and others not playing on Firestick and others... Just make Firestick, Apple etc Smart TV apps a Full standalone and supported app like on Mobile devices. Ask Amazon or Netflix for instructions. This can't be that difficult...

Updated on 2021-04-13

Hey folks,


We've edited the title of this idea a bit to make it more specific so we can update you all on the progress.


Thanks to everyone who came to the Spotify Idea Exchange and voted to make this happen.


We're happy to announce that Podcast video playback is now available on FireTV devices. There's some more info here.


Once again, thanks for helping us make Spotify better, by participating here on the Community.


I've been coming back to these threads (all the platforms) since.. whenever JRE's videos stopped going on youtube and I was like "ight, cool. I'm already a spotify premium member, let's see what's up."


Nothing was up. 


I have a  2 Fire TVs, Samsung smart tv, 3 rokus and yes, if I looked hard enough a chromecast somewhere in the bottom of a forgotten basket.. And you guys don't have video.. the most popular video podcast in the world - you don't have that set up and ready to go. Not even on ONE device. JRE made the announcement in like the Spring? Maybe Summer? And here it is basically 2021 now and still no video.


I don't want to go conspiratorial but was this done deliberately? Buy his exclusivity and make him not accessible to people so they can't listen anymore? I mean what the **bleep**... I would love to know the analytics of each of his podcasts ever since the full YT video podcast stopped going there. I can't imagine many people are watching anymore. I know this doesn't bother people who only listened to his podcast before, and will continue to do so and that's great for y'all, but..  I really do think the majority of his fanbase watches the podcast and the majority of the fanbase are old enough to have TVs and want to watch it on their TV, not on a laptop or mobile phone wth?!


Anyway, haven't listened/watched a single show since he moved over. It already took you guys like 2-3 years to fix the Roku Spotify App to were it was even useable. I knew when it took that long for that to get fixed that the video situation would be even worse. I don't understand why they can't still be put on YT until this issue is fixed.


I wonder if this issue would be enough to practically kill off the show. I really hope not. I hope there's a big enough group of fans who were already listeners and can still enjoy it at least..


Guess I'll just be sticking to Brilliant Idiots, Flagrant 2, Tim Dillon etc.. 


Anyway that was a bit cathartic. Thank you. (Bow). I'll escort myself out..



Please allow video podcast on Firestick/ FireTV!!! It was there for a few days and now gone again??? Please hook it up. Thanks guys!


Come on Spodify...Fix it already.  (Everyone keep posting this issue on Joe Rogan’s site...I have posted 2 or 3 times. )


Glad Joe secured the bag, but Spotify - this is trash. You're either too dumb or too busy being woke to realize how poorly you've handled the transition of one of the most popular podcasts in the world onto your sub-par platform. Busch League. 


I switched to Spotify Premium only for Rogan.  You're losing customers by not making video available and you're about to lose another.  Needing enough votes is a joke especially when you don't say how many you need and when you make it a pain in the ass to cast a vote.  It isn't like Spotify was not aware JRE was going to be added to your platform. 


With all due respect, this is not an idea. It's a glitch or oversight. I think most people who use spotify from a smart TV "EXPECT" the video to work just like it does on the phone. I mean a TV is a video device.


Really bad that I can't play this on a new Samsung TV. Necessary now you've got JRE exclusive.

I'm premium family subscriber too.

Still can't watch video on Amazon fire TV stick. I have to agree with the others, this is really an expected feature by now. I subbed to Spotify for a few months to check it out. This is going to be a show stopper for me. 

The only reason why I installed Spotify on my devices is Joe Rogan JRE, I was beyond surprise that I couldn’t watch the video on the app, just like I do on a browser or a mobile device. Please!


Would like to be able to watch video on my roku tv and samsung tv! Let's make it happen please! & thank you !