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Podcasts. Please? Help me move completely off of iTunes!

Podcast support in the client would be amazing. I miss so much by focusing on Spotify and not iTunes, that I miss listening to all of my podcasts. Please help 🙂

Updated: 2015-09-16

Hey everyone. When we launched our new Now page we also introduced a growing library of videos and podcasts. Now marking this idea as 'Implemented'.


watch and listen.png



Not just iTunes, this would be the end of FM radio for me


The only remaining appeal of FM radio (beyond NPR, which has everything as a podcast anyway) is the live local news/weather/color sprinkled in between the music. It seems like an RSS feature for podcasts could go a long way toward replicating this experience.


I picture subscribing to a podcaster in my area who pushes out little blurbs a few times a day, which then are scheduled to play after songs finish near the top and bottom of the hour whenever I have spotify playing. It might even be the local commercial or college stations. Some of them already pre-record the weather and news, and stream their signal online. Throw in a couple of the shorter NPR programs which play between the features, and its just like radio but with songs of my choosing, and no dial-surfing.

Best idea ever (since spoyify)

I love this idea. As someone who has just started a YouTube podcast with my friend we would love to see our stuff, as well as other pod casters on Spotify!


I ended up downloading Juice to automatically download the podcast files to My Music/Podcasts. Then added that directory to sources in Spotify.




Happy Listening!

@Jallama that's hardly a solution and far too much effort than I should have to offer on my part to stream podcasts. I too joined spotify for the sole purpose of using it as a catch-all for my audio needs, podcasts being a pretty big part of that.


I don't care for probably 99.8% of the music in spotify's libraries, but I do care about the 20 or so podcasts that I like to keep up with, and right now I'm having to use multiple applications to deal with this issue if I want to stream music from an online playlist, meanwhile because my music library is so small I could just purchase the tracks I like, supporting the artists directly, and play them using VLC and still be able to stream podcasts. However I love the social aspect of someone linking me to a song I might like on spotify without my having to open up youtube to listen to it, or having to buy it and that's the sole reason keeping me on spotify right now.


I've made a own post but didn't see yours so i'm using yours !
Here are my ideas 


I love to follow the podcast of DJs. I know Armin van Buuren has a partnership with Spotify and he releasing new episodes every week on Spotify. I love it and its been perfectly performed on spotify. 

My idea's are:

1) Get more partnerships with DJs to upload them podcasts on Spotify! 
It would get more members to Spotify and the DJs are getting more promoted so it is a win-win situation 

2) Make a different Podcast section on the artist profile pages
My personal opinion is that it is annoying that there isn't different sections for podcast/albums it's a mess on Armin's profile page ! 

Feel free to join the conversation.

- Jordy 

Status changed to: Implemented

Hello everyone,


We've added a "Word" category in the Browse section of Spotify for desktop and mobile. Here you can find spoken word content such as stand-up comedy, podcasts, poetry and audiobooks. You can even learn new languages while you're at it! 


Screen Shot 2014-08-27 at 9.53.02 AM.png


"Word" is available in the United States and Sweden only right now but we'll be sure to update everyone on the roll out progress. 





This service hasn't launched yet but might be intresting for you



I see you guys are thinking about it


please let podcasts be true so I can finally uninstall certain software


This was posted in 2012 I guess this isn't going to happen. I have no idea why it isn't happening 😕

Currently having to use youtube for popular podcasts that post them to YT as I can't be bothered with itunes but at the same time it's not much of a podcast if I have to load it via video while on the go.