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Repeat TRACK Mode!


Repeat track mode is now available
Thanks to everyone for your support helping me get Spotify to add this! 😃 


Daniel Ek told me in person that Repeat One is his favorite Spotify feature. 



Why isn't there an option to just repeat a track? I hate having to place a song in a playlist of its own, and then put it on repeat which just repeats the playlist. People have been suggesting you add this feature for years now!


EVERY music app should have this feature! This feature should be on all the Spotify apps across all platforms.


Add it to the same button as now with a 3-step repeat mode:

2. Repeat TRACK

3. Repeat OFF


My mockup of what this would look like in the iPad app (similar for desktop and other mobile devices):



My Comments:


If Spotify wants to compete with the competition, they need to add this basic feature!


It worries me that Spotify hasn't implemented this popular simple idea from 4 years ago, but instead they implement more complex newer ideas.


If you ask some people -- this has been a request since the launch of Spotify.


I love Spotify, but it hurts that a simple feature like this gets passed up every time new features are rolled out.


I feel like I'm living in the 1990s with no repeat track mode anywhere to be found within Spotify.


This is a basic feature and it's being looked at like a grain of salt. 


I comb through Twitter search every day and a lot of people are very confused on how the repeat mode works so I link them to this idea.


I've referred 50+ people now to the link... some didn't know that it only repeated the playlist.


This is very confusing for a lot of people, especially newcomers.


Oh and look at all of these confused people:


News articles that agree:

This has just been implemented for everyone using Spotify (0.9.7 and up) on their desktop. Thanks to Matt for the suggestion and so many others who gave this idea their kudos!

If Spotify wants to compete with Rdio, they need to add this feature! They could limit the function to unlimited and premium users if that's the current worry limiting the release of this feature. Rdio is PAY ONLY, and Spotify has a FREE option. 


I just joined Spotify today at launch after using Rdio which already has this "feature".



I use it heavily for when I'm listening to music when trying to sleep. 

Status changed to: Duplicate

We're working on it!

I'm not sure why it's taking so long - perhaps because there's only a finite number of developers and development hours. This means certain things have to be prioritised - but I'm sure we'll get around to it sooner or later.


In the meantime, please try to stick to the one idea on this. The more votes the main one gets, the better.


Richard, if you could post that same comment on the official thread, it would be nice to keep everyone updated. 


This feature was requested back in 2009! Before Spotify was even popular! 3 years and still not implemented! 


Hopefully it won't take too long to implemet considering it has to be implemented on ALL PLATFORMS!



It's a feature every music player have excl. Spotify...


I like to repeat individual tracks when I'm in the zone working. Please add this feature.


I just attached the mockup image I made. Smiley Happy