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Zoom options

Zoom options to change all elements, including text size, spacing, etc.

It would be nice to have some zoom options to change the text size in the desktop application. It could be separate options for the sidebar and the main screen.

Updated: 2016-03-07

Hey folks--now you can zoom in and zoom out of the Desktop app using the View settings in the Toolbar. Thanks for your great idea @OviiiOne!


Yes, please let us change the font size. I keep looking throught the options to see if I enabled a feature for the visually impaired.





Please do something about this ... I use a 27" desktop in 1080 and everything looks soooo far apart .... I really like the old condensed look and would at least like the option to go back to the old UI.


This would be great. I really like the look of the current UI but the text is a touch too big and things feel too spaced out. It means you can't really fit a lot on screen. I usually have Spotify open on my second monitor (22") and it feels as though it is scaled for a bigger screen. For comparison: on my 32" main monitor it looks a lot better, but that isn't an ideal place to have the app running and I'm sure the average user isn't using a screen that large.


Please fix this. I use a HTPC with a 46" monitor. I have to use the web app because I can't read anything on the screen without physically walking up to the screen.



Status changed to: Implemented


Hey folks! We're here to let you know this idea is currently "Not right now".

For now please continue giving your kudos and comments here. Thanks for your contributions! We'll keep you guys up-to-date if there are any changes to this idea.


hey meridith,


why not tell truth? namely "we hate htpc users; they be messing up our licensing and we'd rather take their money and just make our service hard to use"


seems simpler than this "not right now" crap. considering how many users request this as simple accessibility feature, the official response seems a little tone-deaf and cold-hearted.




customeer for 3 more months until you fix....


It is ridiculous that Spotify refuses to fix something that clearly everyone dislikes. Spotify likes to think we're just loud complainers while everyone else likes it, but from asking countless non-complaining Spotify users, I've found this to be totally untrue in this case at least as far as my acquaintances are concerned. carrer has done a great job of explaining why this is such a horrible interface. It's not even like the font size is larger, there is just a bunch of empty space that makes everything confusing and difficult to use. Even on my 2560x1440 display it feels far too spaced out. This is not a matter of screen size or resolution, it's just a matter of terrible design.


As a paying customer I consider Spotify's lack of concern for our desires to be unacceptable. The only thing keeping me with Spotify at this point is the fact that I have well over a thousand songs in dozens of playlists with a bunch of followers, but as Spotify keeps getting worse and worse, I am bound to eventually switch to the competition.


Until then, I will continue using version 0.9.7, which is available here: This isn't the most densely packed version from years ago (0.8.5 is slightly denser but it doesn't have the messenger, so I prefer 0.9.7), but it's the grey interface that we had for over a year before the change a few months ago and is definitely much better than the current version.


Honestly, how hard would it be to just put a font size/element zoom selection on it?!  It seems like a lot of people are unsatisfied with the size of things, whether it be too big or too small.  It's a GREAT IDEA and probably the only way to satisfy all of your listeners.  Right now with the bigger text, you are targeting the "older" Spotify listeners, but I would assume that more of your listeners are "younger" people who can still see pretty good.


I liked the previous version with the smaller text; now I almost have to lean back a little bit in order to read it!  I'm no programmer, but I think it would be pretty easy fix that would make a lot of people happy.



Status changed to: Implemented