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Ability to "dislike" or "block" unwant content!

Due to autoplay playing like content that I've

listened to it automatically adds podcasts and content that I'm not interested in to my "Your shows" list. We should be able to control what content we don't want to listen to and have it blocked or removed from our subscriptions like any other subscription you have the ability to dislike content and therefore have it removed from your recommendations...


This hardly seems difficult. The fact that Spotify will not allow us to choose whom we want to listen to does not support a "free market" music app. If we don't want to listen to a specific song or artist who are you tell me I have to listen to them? Pretty "big brother" garbage to me.


I only use Spotify for music and don't want to hear people talking. I'd love to be able to block all podcasts. Recently when asking my smart speaker to play Daily Mix 1, instead of playing my playlist it plays some scammer who has named his podcast Daily Mix 1. There appears to be no way to block this playlist and reporting it does no good. 


I am unsure of how often Spotify reviews these ideas and genuinely considers implementing them. Would you mind voting for the following idea as well?


As an Audiophile, we need lossless audio on Spotify, a feature that is already offered by competitors.


Ability to compel the computer trolls at Spotify to deal with the same shitty version of their software paying users have to use.  Howzaboutit gang????  It's so crazy....IT JUST MIGHT WORK!    Remember:  SPOTIFY SUCKS


Exactly! Why are we being forced to listen to, or acknowledge music that is absolutely NOT to our taste? 


Dear Spotify Team,

I'd like to share a suggestion for improving the platform. I often encounter the same issue when using the intelligent shuffle mode in a playlist. Spotify continues to recommend songs that I've already marked with a "-" sign, even though I received a message indicating that they wouldn't be recommended again.

I suggest implementing a feature that allows users to permanently block a song, preventing it from being recommended again. This would be similar to blocking a contact on a phone, where the person simply can't call you anymore. To achieve this, there could be a section called "Blocked Songs" in the settings, giving users the ability to unblock them if they wish to listen again.

I believe that this addition would provide an even more personalized and enjoyable experience for users, avoiding unwanted repetitions.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.


Permanently blocking a song is a great option. In Release Radar, I sometimes get songs by artists I like, but the songs aren't actually by them; it's just another artist using the same name. I can't block the artist, but I never want to hear that song again.


We're paying for this. We should be able to do simple things like this.


We need this feature like yesterday. After all these complaints, I wonder why this feature is still unavailable.


I hate seeing podcasts that played ONE TIME by accident.


Currently I have a lot of podcasts that I listen to. But I’ve decided I don’t want to listen to some of them anymore (combination of getting tired of them and found other things I like better). But even though I stopped following them, they still get recommended because I watched them in the past. Similar with music, if I listen to an artist or style of music for a bit of time but decide I don’t want I listen to them anymore, it will still recommend them. 


I’m suggesting a way to dislike content or an ask not to recommend feature so you see less of what your trying to avoid/stop listening too and receive more/better recommendations for what content you’re trying to listen to.