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[All Platforms] Announce Song Name and Artist

Sometimes am listening to Spotify and I want to know what I am listening to, but I cannot check what it is. There should be a setting that when you enable it, the computer reads the artist, album, and song name to you.

Updated on 2021-06-07

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Yup! I've been on Spotify for about 10 years and because i just made playlists based on moods and let them play, I have no idea who plays what. I just keep throwing in songs into their appropriate playlists and never look at the artist name or title ever again.  I've even started forgetting the ones I used to recognize. I go to a quiz once a week and I am useless at the song recognition round it at this point xD


To know the artists and titles listened to, add an option in the settings to say the name of the artist and the name of the music before playback.


Hi Spotify,

This idea was requested in 2018, and after three years, it gathered votes. Now, it is 2024. Maybe the time has come to introduce it to production.


I would like the name of the song to be shouted within a few seconds of the song starting in order to practice for blindtests. I have a colleague who could provide the voice for this ...


🇧🇷 isso remete ao rádio, onde o loucutor diz as canções e artistas. seria bem legal!
🇺🇸 This refers to the radio, where the announcer says the songs and artists. It would be pretty cool!


Please add this functionality.


Please provide this feature, i'm begging. We've been waiting for it for so long


I’d love this feature. I am so bad at officially “liking” songs, especially when I’m walking somewhere and don’t have my phone to hand. It would be great to discover new artists this way, my daily mix playlists seem to always be the same songs in different orders and this might help with that