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[All Platforms] "Don't Like Button" should be added to all sections

Hello everyone,


I am not sure why it keeps changing between updates, although in the past Daily Mixes have the Like & Dislike button. But this time around it has been completely removed and is only available Under Your Weekly Discovery.


It would be nice if the "Don't Like Button" was added everywhere, from Weekly Discovery, Daily Mixes, even when searching specific songs, albums, genres etc. to better filter our music preferences.

Also I find on Android on the drop down menu the Don't like button rarely ever works and have to enter the app directly. Like always works perfectly fine.


I would appreciate it if this could be considered.

Thank you


Updated on 2020-05-04

Hi everyone,

Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.
We're marking this as a 'Good Idea'.

Please know your feedback is reaching the internal teams at Spotify, and they're aware of the votes around this idea. We'll continue to check out the comments here, too.

If there are any updates, we'll let you know.

That's my next move as well I believe 😔





Operating System

Android 14


My Question or Issue

Hi, I have 2 issues.

First issue is, when I hide a song from a playlist xyz from device A, it doesn't get synced to device B. In device B, from the same playlist xyz the song doesn't get hidden. I have logged into both the devices using same account.


Second issue is, there is no option to permanently stop a song from playing in Spotify for my profile. Say I don't like a song, so I don't want that song to be played in any playlist in Spotify. I couldn't find any option to totally stop that song from playing for my profile/account.


The dislike button was supper helpful for me and I'm sure for many others. To elaborate and be specific, I listen to "Discover Weekly" and "Release Radar" playlists a lot (several times a day sometimes) to find new music of my taste during working hours. It happens that many times I listen to the music that I don't like in those playlists and I simply used to remove them to filter the ones I like more and eventually perhaps adding a few to the likes or my own playlists. Now, without this button I have to listen to those tracks I don't like several times which is in-efficient and really really annoying. I can't necessarily skip the music that I don't like because I'm often in the middle of work or something. So the spotify algorithm may incorrectly assume that I love those songs/artists because I listened them several times without skipping them! This is a significant flaw! and the direct consequence is that I will no longer listen to those playlists (i.e. "Discover Weekly" and "Release Radar") since they don't sever that purpose any more. I humbly request to bring the remove button back or at least make it optional for the users. 


look, spotify isn't going to implement this feature just because we asked nicely. this whole "community ideas" thing is just a psychological trick to keep us quiet and hopeful - making us think "oh, if just enough of us vote, they'll listen!" but it's all fake. just look at the facts: most of the top 50 ideas never get implemented, even with thousands of votes. it's just a system to make us feel like we have power when we don't. they're too big and dominant a company to care what users think anymore. they always were a profit-driven machine – and they simply don't care about the enshittification of their user experience, only about their bottom line.


this is how all tech giants operate once they're big enough. they've made themselves essential, so they can treat users like **bleep** and we can't easily leave. polite requests and forum posts won't change anything. they're not our friends and they never will be. the only way forward is to find alternative ways to consume.


yes – even if thousands of us leave spotify, it won't make a dent in their profit. they're just too massive at this point.

but that doesn't mean our actions are meaningless. and we shouldn't be cynical. every person who quits and shares their reasons sends a message, even if it seems small. those ripples can spread far beyond us – to friends, family, social circles. bit by bit, people start to see these platforms for what they really are.


so yeah, i'm done with spotify. i've actually only been back for two years, after having quit for six years before that. i was one of their earliest users in the invite-only beta days. back then, i was so optimistic about the new "streaming" services, and the positive things they would do for music. now it turns out it's all garbage – popular music has never as generic and same-y as much as it does now, and artists have never been in such an economically shitty position.


it isn't easy to leave these platforms – and that's by design. they keep it barely functioning enough so that millions don't quit, but beyond that, it's all about them putting in the least possible effort and money as to maximise their profit (which for spotify  was over 1 BILLION euros last year).


anyway, i hope some of you will join me. let's show spotify that we're not going to keep taking whatever scraps they throw us. we have the power, even if it doesn't always feel like it.


Now you can completely throw Discover Weekly in the trash after they removed the dislike button there too...


I would like a way to deprioritize OR outright hide/remove a genre from my "taste profile".  

I would equally accept a total "reset" button.  Just clear my profile and start building from what I'm listening to NOW, not months/years ago.


The forrum/comunnity feels sad. This great idea is from 2019 and the team can't add this useful and great quality life user's experience option.

Spotify It's the biggest music streaming app, why not just bring happiness to the users to keep them using the app?...


sooo this reached the TEAM in 2019 ... it's 2025 ... and I am about to cancel my sub. NO feature ever got implemented that is crucial for a good experience. Big Tech Companies are annoying af.


I’ve noticed the same issue! The Like & Dislike buttons were really useful in Daily Mixes, and their removal is frustrating. It would be great if they were available everywhere to better refine music preferences.

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