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Click album art to go to song in playlist

It used to be functionality that if you clicked on album art (in bottom left corner or in Now Playing window) it would open the current playlist showing the currently playing track. This no longer works. 

Please bring it back as it is really time-consuming trying to find the track in the playlist (in large playlists). I used to use this function for almost every track that played. It's really annoying it no longer works.

Current functionality of clicking on album art in Now Playing takes you to the album - this is pointless as you can do that by clicking on the song title in Now Playing to do that.

SOLUTION: You can jump to the song in the current playlist - click on the Playlist Name at the top of the Now Playing pane (i.e. above the album art)


I can't believe they removed this feature. 


Wow, why was this removed? It was such a core functionality. What's the point? Do you think this improved the program for anyone?


According to what you wrote after "SOLUTION" in your text:

I wanted to start a new idea for voting when I just came here an then read your text first... my problem is that I never had time to sort my songs and make playlists, so I got a ridiculous long liked songs list and in the liked songs list it is not possible to jump to the position of a song by just clicking on the name above... which works in every other playlist as I got told... so ****ing please implement that function to the liked songs list, too, cause I am scrolling like a maniac!!!

And I would be grateful for getting an answer to the following question: as the function I want to be implemented is just part of that here... do I have to start a new idea or is it enough to write this here?



I've been a paying user of Spotify for over 10 years and this has been a feature for as long as I can remember. Absurd that it was removed and even more absurd that we have to vote to have it restored but here we are.


Simply, yes. This is a huge problem and completely non-sensical.

  1. As @shelaffs said above, it has been a normal feature to click the album art in the lower left to go to the playlist.
    1. Now it goes to "now playing"
  2. There's already a way to get to "now playing" VIA THE NOW PLAYING BUTTON TY.
  3. As @BMW330i said above also, you can't do this in "Liked Songs" playlist. How? Why? WutTF?

Another complete disaster by Spotify UI/UX designers. Honestly, who thinks up this stuff? and as I've said before, how did this design go through so many Product Managers, user tests (that didn't happen), for it to make it into production? Insanity.



Whoever is responsible for this part of UI/UX design needs to be fired. I don't understand why they have to stuff a core functionality that deep like your mom hides her boyfriend under her bed, not even considering how useless "now playing" is.


Hey! Great news!


Updated just a few minutes ago, and now you can click on the playlist name text above the album art in Now Playing panel and it sends you to the playlist the track is playing from.


If anyone "from above" reads this, please send "Thank You's" to everyone involved who pushed this little (but often-utilized) feature through!


@Crocobutt Great news? Nothing new! This was already the case in previous desktop app versions (see the comment of March 17th in this thread). And again, this is not a fix. Previously we could click the album art in the bottom left corner to go to the playlist and even to that track within that playlist. Now first the useless "Now playing view" opens up and then we need to click the title at the top. That's not only more clicks but also more mouse travel (diagonally across the screen) AND I need to activate Friend Activity view again (because that's the one I want to see). I wonder who these people are that make these bad design decisions at Spotify.


Yeah, I was gonna say – this behavior is exactly what we don't want. Not great news – this is the behavior that started this whole long thread.


Oh.. Never mind then.