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Make "Liked Songs" playlist shareable

Hi Spotify, is it possible to share our library playlist with others? because it will be a whole lot easier than creating a new playlist each time whenever we want to recommend a bunch of our favourite songs to others? or perhaps making our "liked Songs" playlist public? that will certainly help


Updated on 2020-12-07

Hey everyone,
We appreciate you coming to the Community, and adding your votes and comments to this idea.
We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.
If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


Given the recent move to replace Starring with Saving to the "Your Music" section, it would be great to be able to publish Your Music > Songs as a playlist.


Specifcally, I enjoyed subscribing to friend's Starred playlists and being able to come back and see (blue dots) if any new songs were added.


The alternative is to have people manually add music to their Starred list as before, but I don't foresee people doing this since the awesome part about Starring was the single click convenience.

Status changed to: Up for Votes

This would be cool! I also think there should be a way to share your entire "Your Music" collection.


If you have it set to public there will be a section in your user profile titled "My Music" and people can look through the songs, artists, and albums you have in your music collection. 


I also posted this idea to the beta testers of "Your Music" to see if they would like to add support to the general idea of making "Your Music" shareable. 😃


Sharing curated playlists is a great feature of spotify but I'm at a loss to find any virtue in sharing a complete music library. 

Yes but the starred playlist WAS a curated playlist in this case. I agree with you on albums and artists but I like being to share the songs I'm saving. Starring was previously the way to do this. Since Saving is the new 1-click starring it seems to follow that you'd have a way to share the songs you've saved.

+1 from me! 🙂


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This is my concern with the switch from stars to "your music" checkmarks. I currently follow the starred playlists of several friends and my brother. It appears there is no way to follow the "your music" checks of other users. Now when they click those checks, there's no way to see what new music they're discovering. Before, when they'd star a song it would show up in their starred playlist, which I would see as a follower.


Another problem: when you save an album now to "Your Music", the wohole album also shows up in the songs section of "Your Music". Wouldn't that make following song lists in Your Music unwieldy?


@jwylot "sharing an entire music library" is an idea with tons of merit. I personally would like people to be able to see all of the music that I deemed worthy to be included in "Your Music". Then maybe I can ditch "Starred" and just use the new system.