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[Mobile] [Other] Smart Shuffle toggle setting in settings menu

Smart shuffle is a fun way to discover new songs, but it comes at a cost. Want to reshuffle your queue? Bam, wait a few seconds longer. Want to unshuffle your playlist? Bam, no longer works, and goes to a completely random place in the playlist.


To me this is an unwanted complication, and I'd much rather be able to choose in the settings menu whether I want to enable the Smart Shuffle feature, or disable it.

Updated on 2023-05-01

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


It's been 2 years and this joke of a "feature" is still tainting Spotify.


Why let people suggest ideas if you're going to ignore everything anyways?


I just got this amazing upgrade of queue UI. Praying that it stays forever! Hated the previous queue. Now if only we could permanently disable this annoying „Smart shuffle“ in settings. I cannot stand it.. Please Spotify let us remove/disable Smart shuffle permanently. I only want to switch between No Shuffle and Shuffle. I don’t want this third option „Smart shuffle“🤮



Dear Spotify: Personal Playlists are personal - allow me to reiterate, these playlists are PERSONAL - curating and then listening to the songs placed in the playlist is the functionality users expect from their PERSONAL PLAYLIST. PERSONAL PLAYLISTS are NOT invitations for you to molest them with your suggestions, reccos, algos, paid promos, etc. It's explicitly embedded in the name: PERSONAL, in Swedish PERSONLIG - NOT communal, not corporate agenda-driven. Stay out of our Personal Playlists - what don't you get about this basic concept???

100+pages - 1.5 YEARS, in today's rapid dev cycle environment - 7k + commenters - JFC already!!!


F u ck smart shuffle. It’s sucks 



Posting the following on behalf of another user, because I wholeheartedly agree with his message:


The Smart Shuffle alerts blocks the bottom buttons for a solid 3 seconds.

I don’t feel like waiting for 3-6 seconds while trying to turn shuffle off. This sucks.



Again, please listen to your customers Spotify and let us remove and disable Smart Shuffle permanently from the apps! 


Smart Shuffle is not a thing in playlists created by Spotify themselves. Please make it make sense. Why can’t we get rid of it on all playlists? Switching between No Shuffle, Shuffle is so much quicker and more comfortable without Smart Shuffle getting inbetween.. I really hate Smart Shuffle 😭



look, spotify isn't going to implement this feature just because we asked nicely. this whole "community ideas" thing is just a psychological trick to keep us quiet and hopeful - making us think "oh, if just enough of us vote, they'll listen!" but it's all fake. just look at the facts: most of the top 50 ideas never get implemented, even with thousands of votes. it's just a system to make us feel like we have power when we don't. they're too big and dominant a company to care what users think anymore. they always were a profit-driven machine – and they simply don't care about the enshittification of their user experience, only about their bottom line.


this is how all tech giants operate once they're big enough. they've made themselves essential, so they can treat users like garbage and we can't easily leave. polite requests and forum posts won't change anything. they're not our friends and they never will be. the only way forward is to find alternative ways to consume.


yes – even if thousands of us leave spotify, it won't make a dent in their profit. they're just too massive at this point.

but that doesn't mean our actions are meaningless. and we shouldn't be cynical. every person who quits and shares their reasons sends a message, even if it seems small. those ripples can spread far beyond us – to friends, family, social circles. bit by bit, people start to see these platforms for what they really are.


so yeah, i'm done with spotify. i've actually only been back for two years, after having quit for six years before that. i was one of their earliest users in the invite-only beta days. back then, i was so optimistic about the new "streaming" services, and the positive things they would do for music. now it turns out it's all garbage – popular music has never as generic and same-y as much as it does now, and artists have never been in such an economically shitty position.


it isn't easy to leave these platforms – and that's by design. they keep it barely functioning enough so that millions don't quit, but beyond that, it's all about them putting in the least possible effort and money as to maximise their profit (which for spotify  was over 1 BILLION euros last year).


anyway, i hope some of you will join me. let's show spotify that we're not going to keep taking whatever scraps they throw us. we have the power, even if it doesn't always feel like it.


2025 and its still there genuinely contemplating changing to youtube music I've waited for this to be done so long now and I know it's only a few seconds but it's so anoiing ill be running and want to go from shuffle to normal and then bam it gets stuck on smart shuffle cos the slow Internet makes it load longer or sommin ffs Spotify get it sorted out


Please get rid of the smart shuffle feature or allow me to permanently disable it on my phone.

I have some lovingly curated playlists that I listen to when running, when all of a sudden random music starts playing because I've accidentally toggled the smart shuffle button somehow. I have to stop running, find my phone, skip the track and untoggle the smart shuffle. Only I don't have my glasses and I can't quite see if I'm pressing the right button.

I want to be able to remove this 'feature' from my phone once and for all so that it doesn't get switch on without me meaning to. Its not a feature, its an annoyance.


please please please add this as a toggle in the settings! too many times do we press shuffle to turn it off and it switches to smart shuffle. also, sometimes when you click the shuffle button it will turn off shuffle and sometimes it will change to smart shuffle. why is it not consistent?