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[Mobile] See all Songs on Artist Page

Dear spotify,


First of all, thanks for your awesome service! I really enjoy my premium account on my desktop and iPhone version and use it at home and wherever I go. However there's something that bothers me often while searching for a song, especially on the iPhone version.


I often search for a song of a specific artist. So I use the search function and reach the artist's page. Once there, the app only shows the 5 most popular songs of the artist. But often the song I'm looking for is not listed there (maybe nr 6 on the list or lower). Now I have the option of searching through the albums, which can be quite time consuming, or try to use the search function again and hope to find it with a more specific combination of words (provided that I know anything more than the artist's name).


Now every time I get to this I'm thinking why can't I tap a button ('see all songs') which allows me to see all the artist's songs in a list? That is something I'm looking for intuitively. On the desktop version, the list of 5 can be extended to 10 most popular, but also here I'm thinking: why only 10?! Actually, the list I'm looking for can be brought up by the app already by playing the first song (while not in shuffle mode) and tapping the playlist icon. This brings up the kind of list I would like to see: all the artists songs I can just browse through. Only now I'm playing the first song, which I didn't want to hear at all.


Preferably, I would want to be albe to sort the list in order of popularity or alphabet.




Updated on 2020-06-09


We appreciate you coming to the Community, and adding your votes and comments to this idea.

We're keeping this idea marked as 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement.

If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.


I don't know which is worse, that a music service doesn't have the ability to list songs by an artist or that after pointing out that such an obvious and basic feature is missing, it's still labeled as "Not right now" after 6 and a half years.


I'm in the same boat well said. In many many many years older older older versions ago where the interface wasn't so fancy it literally just listed songs categorized by release year. So it was fairly easy to find an artist and then scroll through the list of songs they've done. Much like as if you added all of the artists music to one playlist in iTunes. The unfortunate de facto standard that doesn't exist anymore as the interface was ruined after iT v10.


wth? just add this, any music player has this and everyone uses this

(On every platform, it's not there on PC neither)


Я полностью поддерживаю эту функцию.

Список песен позволяет очень легко избавиться от дубликатов.
Ни для кого не секрет, что артист часто добавляет один и тот же трек в разные альбомы. Лично мне нравится порядок, и я выбираю только один трек, и скрываю дубликаты, чтобы они больше никогда не появлялись, т.к. Был опыт, когда трек проигрывался несколько раз подряд. Оказывается, Spotify просто добавил треки из разных альбомов.


Кроме того, я бы с удовольствием послушал именно это исполнение, не разбиваясь на альбомы и дискографию. С помощью различных фильтров: по алфавиту, по альбомам, можно добиться того порядка, в котором хотелось бы прослушать все песни исполнителя. Сейчас мне не хватает функции просто прослушать все песни исполнителя от и до, без разбивки по альбомам, без рекомендаций и прочего. Вставил наушники, запустил приложение, выбрал исполнителя, нажал play - Готово!

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When you click into an artists page you can only see popular song, albums, popular releases etc but there is no way to view a list of individual song in the artists page. The closest thing is “see discography” but that’s still albums. It would be best to see individual songs at the top of the main artist page.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-09-13

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!

We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.

More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.



I would love to be able to see the full song list for an individual artist with the play count for each song showing, so that I can see a full list of their songs from most to least popular.

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2023-09-28

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


This is not a "good suggestion" this is a GREAT suggestion.

It's really annoying not having any way to browse all tracks of a single artist in one place. 


To build on this, the full song list of this artist should include filters such as "remix", "original", "main artist" or "featured in" to select a view between songs they're the main artist, or just songs they appear in. And don't forget sorting, such as release date, in case listeners want to hear the evolution of sound from an artist over the years. 


Spotify has truly become the be-all, end-all of archived music. 

I think it's time to have the ability to treat it like one for the serious fans and students of music..  


For now, I search the artist and then select "songs".