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[Partnerships] Kodi Plugin (XBMC)


how about an official Spotify XBMC Plugin, so that many users of this gorgeous media center can experience

the best music jukebox on their TV's.

I know that there are some unofficial Apps like Spotimc or Spotixbmc etc, but those are very buggy and don´t look professional.

A XBMC Plugin would be a epic win!

Updated on 2020-10-14

Hey folks, 
We wanted to post an update as we haven't posted here recently.
We’re always working on improving the Spotify experience across platforms, but we’re afraid we don’t have any further information to share at the moment.
We typically don't announce integrations with third parties in advance.
Our blog is the best place to keep an eye out for any possible news or partnership updates.
Thanks for continuing to share your ideas and give us feedback in our Idea Exchange.


Would love it if this came to fruition 😄



Great idea.

Please give us an official plugin for xbmc 🙂


Greetings from germany,


My living room lives and breathes through the Raspberry Pi, for which OpenELEC (and XBMC) are the core. I only watch movies, TV, Youtube, Twitch etc. through the Pi and XBMC, and would like to use it as a jukebox as well. So far I can only play mp3s I own, but a Spotify radio would definitely get me to resub for Spotify - right now I just sub Unlimited for a month at a time every now and then.

tl;dr - I'll vote for the addon with my wallet if I get the opportunity. Otherwise you can just keep hoping someone makes one with Radio support for free. 😛


Can you please make an plugin for XBMC? 🙂

Very great idea !! Spotify is awesome. Xbmc is awesome. So, it will be awesome to have Spotify IN Xbmc.


A spotify plugin on XBMC would be excellent, +1 on this idea.


+1 This would be great. 🙂  With this I wouldn`t need my Ipad as Music Player wit Airplay anymore.


Greetings from Germany,


Need this

some support for the xbmc here too, i tried the new linux textop client on my linux mint and ubuntu desktops and it works out great... specially with new and improved free package spotify is turning into what radio should be... free (as in plaid by adds), personal customisable and intuitive, specially since the upcomming of stuf like the rasberryPI mini computer for only $35 / 35 EURO HTPC media players are there for the masses. with services like spotify and netflix (im mailing them too), availbe on that platfrom it would be the ideal and afordable solution to all people out there whe dont care mutch for xbox or playstation consoles while stil looking for a way to get thair tv mor smart it both draw atention to xmbc and its marketshare as well as to spotify 's use-case scenarios...

Great idea!