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[Queue] Queue to Next or Last

Present two options on rightclick, Queue Last and Queue Next. Very easy to implement, and useful. 


The way I been using spotty lately is to keep adding to Play Queue, it has gotten really long and sometimes I want to listen to something right now, then I have to add to queue and then move the songs all the way up to the top.


Mediamonkey have had this implemented since long ago. Mediamonkey is btw the best musicorganizer I've ever owned or tried. 

Updated on 2023-03-28

Hey there,


Thanks for this submission. We had a slight hiccup with moving ideas to different boards, but it's all good now.


We're setting the status of this one as "not right now", but that doesn't mean that your votes don't count.




This is such a stupid thing to even be an issue. Just add the button.


Update: I switched to Youtube Music. It has a Play Next button.


Does adding a simple feature "add to next" or "add to last" too hard?


Why can't Spotify add a simple feature like "add to next" or "add to last"? Why Apple Music can do it while Spotify can't? It's really annoying where you already setup you're playlist then you want to add more songs or an album to the last part of the current playlist/queue but not an available option in Spotify.


+1, this really is essential. Sorting items is way to slow.

There are always three options to where I want to add music to play:
1) Play now
2) Play next
3) Play last

Stated this way, the option are way clearer than "add to queue" (does it add to the start or to the end of the queue?)

We have play now and play last, can we have play next too?


Come on spotify. You have access to all the tools. The best music library, streaming apis, yet you choose to be so lazy with the basic stuff. So annoying.


I stumbled upon this thread searching for play next .

Surprised to see it’s a requested feature for so long and still not implemented. Luckily I took a short 3 month paid account to compare Apple Music , YouTube and Spotify and the decide  . Bye bye Spotify . 



2024 and still can't do this?


Spotify presents new artists and releases all the time in my feed....which I regularly give a listen.....Not having the option to queue last, just breaks the listening flow and wrecks my LISTENING EXPERIENCE.


Please add this essential option!




I just updated to the latest version and no Play Next option?

Even Tidal has that. 

Please bring it back. It's a simple conveniene feature which existed in the past.


12 Years later and the queue system is still rubbish. What a cra_p company spotify are, focussing on ripping off artists rather than making a good product