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[Queue] Queue to Next or Last

Present two options on rightclick, Queue Last and Queue Next. Very easy to implement, and useful. 


The way I been using spotty lately is to keep adding to Play Queue, it has gotten really long and sometimes I want to listen to something right now, then I have to add to queue and then move the songs all the way up to the top.


Mediamonkey have had this implemented since long ago. Mediamonkey is btw the best musicorganizer I've ever owned or tried. 

Updated on 2023-03-28

Hey there,


Thanks for this submission. We had a slight hiccup with moving ideas to different boards, but it's all good now.


We're setting the status of this one as "not right now", but that doesn't mean that your votes don't count.




It's incomprehensible that a Prominent media player like Spotify, could possible think it's not an essential feature!

Whats the purpose of a "QUEUE" literally, if you add stuff to the middle of it? 

EVERY proper player going back to the year DOT has had this (Winamp!) 


I've voted on multiple duplicates of this feature request over the years, all with many votes in favour. I don't get why a feature that already existed at in the past, that competing services still have, and that people clearly want, shouldn't be higher on the list than "not right now". How many people voted to turn the home screen into Tiktok? Or to make the heart button into a menu-diving adventure?


I often put a few songs in queue to listen to and always find myself adding another and wanting to listen to it as the next song, but then i have to go in the queue and shove it to the first place.

I wish i could maybe enable a setting and have the ability to add a song to the que as next song that will be playing. I know it could be confusing to have two option to add a song to the queue but i often think about this.


Any updates here??? I believe there is some top manager behind the idea of not having "Play next" button and we won't get it until he is fired. It's simply hilarious how stupid is it for some service not to have such a simple button and lose clients because of that.


i dont know why it isnt already a feature but its needed 


a way to play a song you just found that you really want to hear play next but you already have a queue of songs set up and its a long queue to have to drag that song all the way to the front of the queue but with the play next/skip to the front button that sits above the add to queue one you can simply click play next and that song will jump to the front of the long queue of all the songs you already have queued up to play next. Its a simple and useful and time saving feature that i reckon many would benefit from


Still not solved, and I would find it hilarious if I weren't paying for it. Just by reading a few comments from the previous pages clearly demonstrates that even those users who are willing to contribute to the forum find the dual queue system (i.e. the auto-generated vs the manual queue) confusing, they mix up the behavior of the different queues even here in the comments. Again, this is not a feature request, it's a huge bug waiting to be fixed.


split the add to que button into “add at the bottom of the queue” and “add at the top of the queue” or “play next”

Add a button to play a song just next to the song you listening to. Lire à la suite like YT Music


This comments on this issue are now 11 years old - so when you say not right now, when is now exactly? Really poor UX for even a basic media player, let alone a sector leader.


Just define the add to queue option as follows, that's all, rather than auto adding to immediately next in the queue.


Add song/album/playlist to next in queue 

Add song/album/playlist to end of queue.




The lack of this feature kept me away from Spotify for YEARS. This is the only reason I waited until recently to switch, instead of doing it ages ago. Please add a play next button.