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[Queue] Queue to Next or Last

Present two options on rightclick, Queue Last and Queue Next. Very easy to implement, and useful. 


The way I been using spotty lately is to keep adding to Play Queue, it has gotten really long and sometimes I want to listen to something right now, then I have to add to queue and then move the songs all the way up to the top.


Mediamonkey have had this implemented since long ago. Mediamonkey is btw the best musicorganizer I've ever owned or tried. 

Updated on 2023-03-28

Hey there,


Thanks for this submission. We had a slight hiccup with moving ideas to different boards, but it's all good now.


We're setting the status of this one as "not right now", but that doesn't mean that your votes don't count.




Add a play next button and it’ll solve this problem. Stop trying to be different and understand this would better your platform. Spotify is ten times better than other platforms because of recommendations and you guys are really willing to lose people because of a play next button.


This is as simple as adding the song to the beginning of an array instead of to the end. Some Spotify engineer should just do it.


Yes Please!!!!!!! I was about to start this idea, I am glad I'm not the only one. It's annoying to have to slide the song you just added to the queue up to the top without messing up your beautifully crafted setlist already. Especially if you are trying to operate hands-free


lol going on 12 years and it's not possible to implement 'queue next'... what a joke


Genuinely astonishing that you still don't include this basic ability to control where you add something to queue. Need two options: 'Play Next' or 'Add to End of Queue'. Logical, clear.


Having one option of 'Add to Queue' which actually (currently) means 'Play Next', i.e. jump the queue, is spectacularly dumb.




Please!!! When I am on aux at a gathering and someone wants a specific song to play next it's stressful and kills the vibe if I accidentally mess up and press on a song while moving a song to the top of the queue


It would be great to add things to the top of the queue without having to drag songs from the bottom all the way up after adding them which is especially annoying on mobile and when wanting to listen to an entire album or playlist next. This is probably my most missed feature from "another" music streaming platform I used before switching to Spotify awhile back (I doubt I'm alone with that). Sometimes I'm listening to something and it reminds me of another song and I want to listen to that right away or I just come across some new songs during my day and want to listen to them next without having to mess around with the queue. 


Why not right now? This is basic stuff guys.


It's insane that adding to the END of the queue is not an option. It should really be the DEFAULT option too. This missing feature is one of the reasons I'm considering switching to a different platform.


Add a play next button next to the add to queue button. It would be nice to have the ability to put songs at the top of the queue instead of manually swiping it to the top position every time