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I don't care if this has been submitted a hundred times over, you Spotify devs clearly need to hear it. You should *not* have to go through the effort of finding the "liked songs" playlist, just to add a song to Liked, when you have a ton of playlists. Playlists don't even sort like they used to, it seems almost random which playlists show first despite which ones I interacted with last - but that's not the issue here; it's just yet another downside of the problem at hand.


Please. Please. Please.

Bring back the **bleep** 'liked'/heart button on songs and albums. Having to add liked songs to my liked playlist manually just leads to me adding it to different playlists because it's so **bleep** tedious in the first place. I've been adding songs to playlists and then using the PC version to mass-add songs to Liked because you make it so inconvenient on mobile. This isn't user-friendly in the slightest.


Just, why? Why can't you just bring back the little heart? I thought the point of liked songs was to add songs then and there; not to have to stop in the street to add a song to a playlist because it now takes several seconds to do so. I've been paying for Premium since 2009, and now I'm wondering if you're worth the effort. Fire whoever told you it was a good idea to remove the Liked button, seriously. Fire yourselves for listening, too.

Updated on 2023-11-03

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


Agree with everyone : bring back the heart !

The "tick" icon was not a bad idea but should be separeted from the like button.


Moreover, the "liked tracks" on artist page should work the same on Mobile and Desktop.

On Mobile I'm now seeing both liked songs and albums added to library in separeted lists, which is a good enhancement !

On Desktop I'm now only seeing songs added to the library... no way to check all songs I like from an artist (yes I can still search it in liked songs playlist, but it's a such a useless pain...).


We need to keep hammering this point down until the **bleep** Spotify execs can't ignore the thousands of complaints. Bring back the original heart/like functionality.


We need to keep hammering this point down until the **bleep** Spotify execs can't ignore the thousands of complaints. Bring back the original heart/like functionality.


Like everyone here, I am very unhappy with the change. Here are some ideas:

  1. If the song is liked and on a playlist, show the + instead of the check.
  2. Show an icon that demonstrates both. Like a double check mark.
  3. Provide a setting that allows one to choose the which to show, + or 
  4. Provide a setting to toggle between the new mode and the old mode.

Right now the check mark is asking me a question, "Guess what I mean?"
Thank you.


Regarding this:


The green ✔ Check icon also shows up next to the songs that are saved to Your Library on Album and Playlist pages. (but not when viewing your own playlists, only other playlists)

This is such a horrible downgrade. Please fix this. I always loved being able to see which of my favorite songs were coming up in my playlists. Why remove this usage pattern? The current functionality is so confusing. Sometimes UX designers should know when to leave what's already great alone rather than pontificating about solving theoretical design problems that people don't have, and destroying what's great in the process... Not to mention that the ❤︎ was cute and friendly, versus the forensic checkmark with no personality. Seriously. PLEASE bring back the functionality of the ❤︎!


they seems don't care of anything that wrote here!

the change now comes to Desktop app 



I just noticed they finally got around to enshittening the Linux desktop app, which still had the working "like" functionality. *sigh*

Every time I open this app and don't see my favorites emphasized in the UI, I do just a bit more of the work necessary to switch to a competitor. A few more weeks of being forced to deal with this enshittified spotify downgrade and that'll be it for me.

Currently looking at: Tidal, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer. **bleep**, I might even go back to Pandora or, god forbid,, Youtube Music.


PLAY, PAUSE, SEEK, LIKE... this is literally the simplest most basic featureset required by any media player app. A highschooler with an "Baby's First HTML+JavaScript" book could code an audio player with that functionality. Who are the senior developers at spotify that can't even get this simple use case right? Who are the UI people who got away with story boarding this? Who are the product leads that directed this? Who are the QA people who allowed this mess to reach actual paying users?


Can you imagine if Netflix suddenly dropped the ability to indicate which content you liked, and relied solely on their "list" functionality? Oh, but they changed the thumbs up icon to a "+" so it's all good!


What a f**king mess.


I cancelled my subscription. Spotify does not hear the users. Each update makes the mobile app worse. Removing the heart button was a mistake. This is so frustrating!


Discover Weekly used to be my favorite feature. Now it's completely useless. ALL the songs have green checkmarks by them... to show that they are in a playlist... the same Discover Weekly playlist that they are in!!! So if I wanted to add them to my Liked Songs playlist... I have no idea what I already added. So incredibly stupid!


Spotify needs to listen to its users. BRING IT BACK