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[Smart TV] Screensaver on Smart-TV

Hi there!

It would be nice if there was a screensaver available in your app. This seems to be easy improvement and it's been asked multiple times over the years. It appears that community is ignored by the Spotify team despite all the money you make on your users. It's a problem for me not only because of screen burn out on the TV but also pictures on the screen are unneccessary distraction especially for kids while I just would like to listen to the music.

Updated on 2021-06-13

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.

Status changed to: Up for Votes

Updated on 2018-12-07

Marked as new idea, which is a repost of this inactive idea.

Status changed to: Inactive Idea

Updated on 2018-12-08



Your idea was submitted a while ago and unfortunately didn't receive the amount of kudos needed to stay active in the ideas board (100 Kudos per year). 

In order to keep the Ideas Exchange clearer I'll close this idea for now, but this doesn't mean Spotify rejected this idea.

If you think this is an idea which needs to be implemented, you're welcome to post it in slightly different again 🙂


Have a nice day!


Status changed to: Up for Votes

Updated on 2018-12-13

Marked as new idea, which is a repost of this inactive idea.


The Spotify Smart TV app should have a screensaver list, with options like:

- Album artwork with effects like Ken Burns;

- Abstract forms like Mac's Flurry;

- Display off.


I would like to see this on Chromecast as well--the Chromecast home screen does a good job of moving its graphics around every minute or so, but I've been unable to use Spotify since its graphics don't move and burn my screen. Even a "video mute" black option through the Spotify app would be nice. I don't need to see gigantic album art or anything at all when I'm


Upvoted, but I'm going to cancel my subscription over this. Why pay for premium Spotify when I can't use it on my TV without risk of burn-in? Some form of screen saver isn't that hard to implement, and you have one job to do.


I recently bought an OLED TV and as many know they are quite susceptible to screen burn in. As a result of this I find I am unable to use Spotify on my tv using any of the devices hooked up to it including the onboard LG app due to the very static nature of it's UI. Maybe most people don't use Spotify on their tv and something like this is a low priority, but then you have a chicken and egg situation which is very short sighted on Spotify's part. 

Also, the idea that 100 kudos are required every year for an idea to have some sort of clout is completely ridiculous. Especially considering how the vast majority of Spotify subscribers will never actively come here. If an idea is good and makes sense with very little required to implement, what is the hold up?


You’re absolutely right!


Smellylettuce said it best.


Bottom line is that we're best off just cancelling our subscriptions and moving to either Prime Music, Google Play Music or Apple Music. Whatever is supported on your device. I use a FireTV Cube so my next best option is probably paying Amazon for their service, which works for me. We need 100 votes for that idea instead.


I'd love to have a more minimalist, less distracting screensaver option to keep spotify on in the background!