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Translation lyrics

So my idea is that Spotify should add a lyric translation to songs. For example I listen to greek music and the writing all in greek I think that Spotify should have an option to translate the songs (English) so I can read and understand the songs. I think this would be useful people who also lyrics to Spanish would want lyrics translated to understand the song. Basically idea is to translate the song into the language you know and understand the words in song. Like this if you agree and think it’s smart! 


Why are Le Nozze di Figaro and Aida the two operas i listen to the most? Not because I bought those on CD in the -90's, but because I took out the inlet or booklet (the little book inside the CD cover) and followed the lyrics in English. The Italian text to the left followed by English, German and Spanish (I think). Most people in the world do not understand Italian, but it is a beautiful language to listen to. What a great thing for you to solve! 🙂 Being able to follow an opera is quite an experience. 

Yes, Die Zauberflöte is also one of my favorites, but German is a language I understand, so that is why I really like this. 

There are so many more operas out there and I really would like to get a grasp on. Maybe more people will listen to operas?


Status changed to: Up for Votes

Updated on 2020-04-18

Marked as new idea, which is a repost of this inactive idea.


Nice idea

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Votes

Updated on 2021-03-22

Thank you for bringing your feedback to the Spotify Community!

Your suggestion didn’t quite reach 180 votes in 6 months. Users can still vote on this idea - if it gets enough votes, Spotify will still check it out and post a status update. You can read more about the idea process here.

  • I really love listening to Japanese anime songs like unravel , blue bird etc. As these songs have lyrics in Japanese, like all other regional songs, I would love it if you could switch to an English translation of the lyrics.

THANKS !!!!!!!!!


It's not really feasible for Spotify to translate all songs on their platform, if you want that to happen it would be much better to talk to the artist or to start a fan project to do those translations and to upload it to Spotify yourself.


Dude I'm just saying that as it is they are displaying lyrics from Musixmatch , why can't they show translated lyrics from musixmatch also???


I've never seen lyrics on the Windows 10 or iOS app. Where do you see lyrics?

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2021-05-15

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




Same thought. I hope they'll consider adding English translation of the lyrics of the songs with different language like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Filipino, and whatnot. Also, may they include the Roman Text Version Lyrics of the songs instead of just only Hangul, Nihongo, and whatnot. I would like to contact Musixmatch, however, I don't know how to get in touch with them to suggest this idea.