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[Your Library] Keep lyrics up at all times

I like having the lyrics accessible, and having to swipe up and click lyrics is a pain. Instead of the album cover, it would be awesome to have the option to have the lyrics there instead!

Updated on 2023-05-01

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


This idea has been closed, but a new issue has been opened for this idea. Y'all know what to do! 


And please tell your fellow lyric enjoyers to go vote as well! 

Posting this for every parent out there, who likes to sing to their baby as they wake in the morning and as they as go to sleep in the evening,


For every parent out there, who usually hold their babies with two hands to feed them,


For every parent out there, who would like to see the lyrics as they sing along to their baby,

For every parent out there, who don't have their hands free while they do. 

Please do make this feature already. 

We are a small community (parents), but we care, deeply.

Thank you,



Yes please, kindly include this option in which when we go on full screen, we could see the lyrics and not only the album or song title.  Because that is mostly the reason why we wanted to have it on full screen, to see the lyrics clearly while sync in the music.  this is to help us enjoy more this app by singing along with the music that we listen to and not just stare on those images and song titles.


Hope that this will be granted.  Thank you.


Is Spotify working on this? It seems like a no brainier. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe a simple toggle switch to pin the lyrics to stay persistent when the song changes, or have them disappear each time the song changes.  The default of having the lyrics screen close at each song change makes it incredibly not-hands-free to do karaoke style sing along 




I genuinely think it's dumb that this isn't a thing from the start, why does it seem like so much pushback from Spotify for it to be a thing? 


Like another commenter said, why can't there just be a switch on the lyrics screen or something, maby a box in settings, it's just strange to me.. 


I found it inconvenient to play music while looking at the lyrics and return to the album outwork screen when moving to the next song.

Status changed to: Case Closed

Updated on 2023-02-12

We've been keeping an eye on this submission for an extended period of time, and it doesn't seem this will reach the votes necessary to put it forward for prioritization.
As such, we're marking this case as closed. This includes any similar suggestions that are received.

If we have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back here with a new status. Have in mind that the idea will continue open for getting votes, so if you still feel strongly about it, continue sharing it with more users.

More information about it can be found here.

Thanks for your comprehension!

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-03-20

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.

