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Can you name a band from this country?


Can you name a band from this country?

Can you name a band from this country? 


With the launch in Spotify in 20 new countries yesterday, I think its time we all spread our wings, and found some new content to listen to! 


So here is how it works!:

  1. The person above you will have chosen a country, all you have to do is post a track by an artist from that country. 
  2. Once you've done that, pick a country, any country you like for the next person!
  3. Rinse and repeat, and we will have some epic tunes! 

Tip: If you have a high enough rank on the community, you can embed content like I have done below. Check out here for instructions. If you want to make it small like mine change to: height="80".


Since no one gets to go before me, here is an epic tune from the UK:



Up next: USA?

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28 Replies

I give you the kind of cool sounding Actarus from Luxembourg

What's your favourite Welsh band?


What about.. France?

I hadn't even thought of Feeder, I was expecting some Future Of The Left or something. 


Without going for Daft Punk, how about French band Fauve



How about a band from Peru?

Power metal from Peru


Next up: Norway

I pick Kings Of Convenience


Next up: Greece

Well, here's some early 80s Greek rock!




How about.. Denmark?



Really sound of the 90s...

Someone remembers "Barbie Girl"?


Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 3.14.38 PM.png


Next is: Italy

O-Shen is a singer from Papau New Guinea


Next: Greenland


Luca Turilli is an Italian power metal guitarist and vocalist

Up next: Greenland


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